Monday, July 28, 2014

Freakishly Fabulous and Fun Fiftieth

I have been thinking about all the things I could write about for today. I had absolutely no suggestions (gee thanks, guys. I wish y'all were more interactive. But you aren't so I had to depend on my own creativity, and the Google.)
I was like, oh, where I want to be in 50 years (but then I realized I want to die at the age of 72 and I think that would be sort of morbid) or 50 things about me (but I did an interview thing last week and so that would be lame of me.) 50 pictures I like (but that's a lot of pictures, plus I kind of did that yesterday) 50 of my favorite people (too much effort. I'm far too lazy.) 50 secrets. But then they wouldn't be secrets, plus I'm not sure I have 50 secrets to keep, so that's out. 50 things I want to do before I die? I liked this one, despite it's morbidity. I liked it, until I realized a few of my bucket list items are illegal or totally inappropriate, so that was out. My mom reads this, you know.
I finally settled on one. And you're going to laugh if you know me, because it perfectly sums up my weirdness, slight pessimism & undeniable hilarity.
So, here we go.

50 things I absolutely Hate.

  1. When people ask if my kids are mine.
  2. When I'm not carded when I buy drinks.
  3. Gum smackers
  4. People who automatically hate pit bulls / dobermans / rottweilers because of their breeds
  5. Racist, Sexist, gay hating, general judgmental douche bag people
  6. Leaving voice mails
  7. Checking voice mails
  8. Pity
  9. People who hate Taco Villa
  10. Swimming in lakes
  11. Mosquitoes
  12. the Verizon ringtone
  13. Boring flight attendants
  14. Suspicious Chinese food
  15. computers that don't spell check
  16. improper use of language
  17. non-use of punctuation
  18. guys that think I'm easy because I'm single and have kids
  19. the color of adobe
  20. Poorly stocked libraries
  21. Fake bacon
  22. When guys talk about cars to me
  23. Bones in my meat
  24. When Cody steals my snacks
  25. Oatmeal Raisin cookies
  26. Raisins
  27. When people expect me to be a mind reader
  28. Quoting things out of context
  29. Stress
  30. Changing plans last minute
  31. People who I can't confide in
  32. The idea that dogs are put down for hurting children but child molesters aren't.
  33. books that focus too much on the love stories
  34. movies that don't follow the book story line
  35. everyone who dislikes Mama Mia
  36. the texture of velvet
  37. Xbox
  38. When my phone dies and I'm no where near a charger
  39. People who don't use turn signals
  40. songs that have no lyrical value
  41. p33pl wh0 t4lk lyk diss
  42. when I miss a text notification
  43. Ear infections
  44. when you take a shower and there's no shampoo in the bottle
  45. housework
  46. parents that let their children run rampant in public
  47. shoes that don't have arch support
  48. women's pant pockets
  49. bras
  50. the sound windbreakers make when they rub together
Happy 50th, y'all!
</3 Brittany

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