Thursday, May 1, 2014


There's ups and downs to this bloggy thing. I love it, I love getting emotions and feelings and options out there, for people to read and contemplate. But there are some boundaries I don't know whether to push or not. Like boys. Or sex. Or child rearing. I guess it's hard to know your boundaries when you don't have a specific area in which your blog resides. I follow a make up blog, and a mom blog, and a blog about clothes. My little baby blog is about me. And I have weird boundaries, and I'm generally open with people who ask anything about me.
I suppose I should spend some time figuring me out.
BUT since I haven't blogged in a week, and I've gotten very inconsistent, I'm going to write about random things I like. (My cousin does this. I like it. I'm stealing it. Kind of. Love you Icky.)

1. This video. I like it almost as much as the Pocket full of Sunshine scene in Easy A. I have a big celebrity crush on Emma Stone. Her voice makes me happy.

2. This album. The whole thing. Angel with a Shotgun & Endlessly are my favorites right now. I am going to listen to it until I hate it.

3. My Job. I mean, I love what I do. Sometimes the people drive me absolutely bonkers, but I love doing what I do. (Photo by Eternal Bliss Photography)

4. This restaurant. I am on a sweet tea binge and Taco Villa seems to be the only place that can get it right. The chicken quesadillas aren't bad either.

5.  The idea of this tattoo. I can't stop thinking about how awesome I'd be, and geektastic. Because, let me clue you in, it's Doctor Who Stuff.  Just... Respect the Thing.

6. This man. Just everything about him.  Jensen Ackles. Aka. Dean Winchester from Supernatural.
He's just so pretty and I think I'm in LOVE.

& Last and certainly not least.
7. This Book Trilogy. I will admit that I was slightly disappointed in the totally predictable ending, though. But the entire idea behind the book? BRILLIANT.

Til next time-
Brittany :)

PS. Ynattirb is my name spelled backwards, if you haven't figured it out.
&& 7 is my favorite number :)

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