Saturday, May 2, 2015

It's Been a While

The taste of being back is sweet.

Things you can expect from me in the next couple of weeks:
1. Rhys's birthday party pictures.
2. My trip to North Carolina
3. College life
5. a 5 things blog.
6. How I'm irrationally angry

However, today we will be talking about...


oh yes. because I have friends that are just stupidly hilarious that make stupid faces with me and do stupid things with me and talk about stupid things with me like talk about why gophers are their favorite animal.

Actually, I should revise my statement. I believe the quote went something along the lines of "if they burrow and pop out of the ground, I just love them." This extends the favoritism to meerkats, prairie dogs, possibly rabbits, ground hogs, ground squirrels, and chipmunks.

let the record show that this is what a gopher looks like

This is the stuff of nightmares.
Let's take a moment here, and judge the unnamed friend who loves gophers.
are we done? Great.

meerkats are cuter

I mean, look!
okay, I will admit they're animated but Disney did such a good job!!!

and as far as gophers go?
winnie the pooh, that's it.
Did a gopher help the one true king take his rightful spot on Priderock??

I think this anonymous friend should change her favorite animal. Meerkats are totally cooler.


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