Friday, July 24, 2015

Thank You.

I have written a dozen different titles to this blog.
two dozen different first sentences.
To say I am scattered is a gross understatement.
I have had a bad day.
A bad week, to be honest.
A bad year, to be melodramatic, which face it, sometimes I am.
Right now, I am. 

And in this blog, this insignificant thing, I want to thank you.
thank you for sticking with me through this.
thank you for forgiving my random breaks of days that turn into weeks that turn into months of silence from this blog.
thank you for rejoicing with me in my happy times
and thank you for consoling me in my worse.
thank you for giving me encouragement when I know I need it.
and even more when I think I don't.
Thank you reading through my anxiety written posts and simply saying nothing because you don't know what else to say.
Thank you for reading through my random things and finding one thing you like about it.
Thank you for being my silent supporters.

But there are people I need to thank directly.
Thank you Shelly, for being the voice of the logical side of my brain.
Thank you Momma, for not judging me for pouring booze into the left over fruit punch. 
Thank you Steffie, for judging me when I need to be judged.
Thank you Mema, for being my pillar.
Thank you Cody, for still making fun of me when I cry because you know how embarrassed I am for crying in the first place.
Thank you Jenna, for searching for jobs for me when I didn't have time to do it myself.
Thank you Destiny, for buying me that salad last Wednesday,
Thank you Auntie Ran, for being my reading buddy,
Thank you Katie, for being a single mom with me and understanding my plight. 
Thank you Kyle, for being all protective-y even though I hate it, because I know you care even though you'd punch me every single time you saw me... if you could.
Thank you Anderson, for actually caring. (Shut up Shelly.) 
Thank you Tylor for babysitting when I just need to go to the store with out my kids.
Thank you Justin, for being the most accepting person I've ever met.
Thank you Shayne, for giving me my family and the opportunity to become my own person.
Thank you Jonathan, for giving me Xiaden.
Thank you Bi Sheng, for inventing the printing press.

Thats it for now, I think. I know half the people I've thanked won't read this. The other half will read it and think "aw" but they still won't know how much I need(ed) them.

And I do need them. Because I am having a bad day.
On bad days, I remind myself of what is good.
and today, you are all the good.
and I am good.
and we're all alright.

Thank you all for being exactly who you are.
Even if you are a little weird