Thursday, October 23, 2014

That "Oh Shxt" Moment

You know what I'm talking about.
The wall you hit when you realize you just did an incredibly stupid thing.
So, here I am finishing up the sign language lab that is due tomorrow, and turning in my English essay that isn't even due until Sunday. I decide to take a break before I tackle my research paper on the Revolutionary War that I already started even though it isn't even due until Tuesday while I was thinking about the Exam I have in History on Thursday (one of three that basically take the place of midterms & finals) and I had an "Holy Mother of God, what have I done?!" moment.
We've all had them. I'm spending my "break" having a tiny panic attack.
Because I am taking three classes this year. 10 hours. Not too shabby for my first semester in college, if I do say so myself. I'm making excellent grades. I haven't missed one assignment, I certainly haven't failed anything. I don't have to do homework every night. I still have time to breathe, and see my kids, and watch Netflix, and go on an occasional date! It's great! College is great, I don't know why people complain.
Then I was briefly reviewing my day while trying to remember if there's any wine in the fridge before I got up to check (there isn't, in case you're wondering) and I remember that I registered for Spring classes! :D Yayyyy for Brittany and her single mother-ness and her awesome-ness and her working full time-ness! Going to college for a second semester! We're all so proud of me. As we all should be. I'm proud of me.
Then I remember the stupid thing I did.
It's rather easy, really.
This semester I took an 8am class and a 9:30 class on T&R. Back to back, same building. Super easy. I had one night class, M&W. Again. Super easy.
So, I went in to my counselor and told her four things:
1. I wanted to take four classes instead of three.
2. These classes all had to be Tuesday Thursday, with the exception of SGNL2 (sign language, if there was any doubt)
3. I wanted to take Houck for my History 1302 (because he is my favorite.)
4. I did not want Howell for my English 1302 (because she makes me crazy)
Then there were... complications.

Next semester I am
*straightens imaginary glasses while looking at my schedule*
8am MATH. (Prof: Dixon) WTF WAS I THINKING. Oh, right. I wasn't. My counselor told me this was a good idea and I trusted her.
9:30am English (Prof: Williams) there. Requirement #4 is fulfilled.
11am Speech (Prof: Martin) see below for explanation
12:30pm History (Prof: Delao) see immediately above.

okay, a couple of things you may have noticed.
1. I am taking four classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
2. Houck is not my history teacher.

So, my degree plan dictates that I need a "Business math" Ahem, MATH1324. The only T-R class time is 8am. Okay. We're going to do that.
Houck only teaches Hist1302 on MWF (booooooooo) so I had to go with another professor.
This professor's other time slots were all already filled. so, I had to do 12:30.
English was only offered 9:30 & 8am. My 8am is already filled. English at 9:30
I didn't want a random gap between my class ending at 10:45 & my class starting at 12:30 so we tried to find something to throw in there.
Counselor's suggestion: Art or Music Appreciation (both sound terrible.) I say okay, We look up Music (I figure this could be sliiiiiiiiiiightly useful with my job) it's only offered at 9:30. I don't have a 9:30 open. I ask to change English to 8am and do Music Appreciation instead. She told me no. (She knows I'm just trying to get out of math. She knows.) So we look up Art Appreciation, classes are all full. So, we're thinking government or speech. I say Speech.
I'm good at speeching. (It is indeed a verb)
It's part of my job. I know how to enunciate, project, slow down, and relax in front of crowds. I've been doing it for over a year now. I'm good.
Counselor looks at me really funny because apparently people avoid speech like I avoid math.
but that's how that got thrown in.
I can't enroll in SGNL1302 because I have to pass with an 80+ (current grade: 96 if you round up) and since I take it through Howard College, and they don't open registration until November, I'm just waiting.

I just effectively doubled my homework. I just easily took another 4 hours off my schedule, nicely knocking me down to 30 hour weeks instead of the 34-35 hour weeks I have now (but I'm not worrying too much about pay, I'm expecting a raise pretty soon) I'm mostly working about not having enough time to actually finish the work.
But I have a plan.
We have a new girl doing Cody's job since Cody doesn't do Cody's job anymore. And I'll just teach her to do the things Cody tricked me into doing for him, and lighten my work load while beefing up her paycheck. Perfect, right?
Now I just have to tell Reed.
Reed, who wasn't too keen on me going to school at all just 4 months ago.
This is going to be great.

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