"why is Halloween your favourite, Brittany?"
New Years Eve. I get super sleepy before Midnight. Plus, I always have to work.
Easter. Egg hunts are kind of tedious.
Independence Day. I burned my fingers trying to pop off fireworks... :(
Thanksgiving. If I don't like someone's dish they may get all offended.
Christmas. Oh man, don't get me started on Christmas. One word. Shopping.
What if I get someone a present and they don't like it? Or it's something they already have?? Or I get something that's useless? Or my kids gets something that's loud? It's just stressful.
now don't get me wrong. I like all the holidays, but there are also reasons to dislike them too.
but Halloween.
Yay candy.
also, getting to dress up?
Yay for pretending to be whoever you want to be.
As for my kids. They're going to be all frozen
My girls will look a little like this

My Rhyssie girl is going to be Anna (of course) and though she is super bald (more now than ever, I just shaved her little noggin to help her hair grow evenly) I'll totally put a headband on that beautiful bald head of hers <3
You can find this dress here.

My Xiaden baby is going to be Elsa. We're probably just going to braid her hair. She probably won't stop singing "Frozen Fractals all around!" all night long. Or being completely and totally vain and conceited and say "I'm so beautiful" a billion times.
Her dress? Aqui!
and my son! He will be the best Olaf ever! He's just is gonna wear white clothes, I'll tape a few black dots to him, and voila! Olaf <3 (I found his hat right here. Pretty snazzy, eh? Thank you pinterest, for helping me find these amazing things
le owl pumpkin.
It really is as easy as it looks.
I mean, I just got a few brads from HEB (yes, like, paper brads, that hold stuff together. I shanked my pumpkins with them) I threw a few on the body to bling it out, a few to hold the wings on, and the eyes, and the beak. Pretty easy. I didn't even use the tutorial pinterest gave me.
.... I may have bedazzled a pumpkin. With thumb tacks (again, HEB) and brads again (I was really bored, I couldn't stop myself.) but it was just a good fun time.
and I also had a fail. I tried to artistically melt crayons all over one, intending to layer it, and then scratch boo back into it, being all artsy and shizz.
It did not work for me.
Mostly because I thought 6 crayons would be enough. I grossly underestimated the surface area of the pumpkin. I gave up and donated my disfigured gourd to my brother.
Anyway, I'm not finished yet! I will be decorating my door soon! :)
but it is time for me to go to sleep.
I Love the owl pumpkin!!! Super cute ;)