Sunday, October 19, 2014

My Kind of Perfect

I imagine most girls think the perfect first date all the time. It's the guy showing up on time. Him driving while following the traffic laws. He takes you to the restaurant he took suggestions on, but ultimately picked himself( Instead of just saying "I don't care, you pick.")(take note, guys. We want you to pick. Really.) nice dinner conversation. we order a salad because we don't want to cost too much, or out eat him. Probably split dessert. He pays. You go to a movie, that you both picked, because he's sensitive and shit and texts you before hand and asks you if you want a romantic comedy or a drama. He drops you off, walks you to the door, smiles and says good night, and doesn't even kiss you, because he knows kissing on the first date isn't classy (or at least that's what you tell yourself)
that's not me.
Wanna know why?
Because it's so cookie cutter.
I want something fun.
Take me to a football game where we eat nachos even though there is nothing attractive about eating a cheese slathered corn chip. Let's go rollerskating at the rink no one our age has been to since the sixth grade. Let's take a walk through a park when it's chilly enough that you have to give me your jacket because I'm a wimp. Take me out for coffee and make fun of my ridiculously complex orders. Take me out dancing, even if we don't do it well. I want to be able to converse the entire time. I want to learn something about you. Whether it's how terrible you are on skates, or how you like your coffee, I want to learn something. And honestly, just planning out a date will tell me something about you. The conversation will be interesting, because we'll talk about why the heck I have three kids already, and what kind of music I like.
That kind of stuff can't be learned during a movie.

Take some time to make things special and unique, because that makes me feel special and unique. It doesn't have to be expensive (and I'm just sayin', I think the skating rink is probably way cheaper than the movies now days.)
That is what I want. I want communication and originality.
And I know that makes me difficult. But it's also what makes me awesome.

till next time, suckahs! ;)

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