You know what I'm talking about.
The wall you hit when you realize you just did an incredibly stupid thing.
So, here I am finishing up the sign language lab that is due tomorrow, and turning in my English essay that isn't even due until Sunday. I decide to take a break before I tackle my research paper on the Revolutionary War that I already started even though it isn't even due until Tuesday while I was thinking about the Exam I have in History on Thursday (one of three that basically take the place of midterms & finals) and I had an "Holy Mother of God, what have I done?!" moment.
We've all had them. I'm spending my "break" having a tiny panic attack.
Because I am taking three classes this year. 10 hours. Not too shabby for my first semester in college, if I do say so myself. I'm making excellent grades. I haven't missed one assignment, I certainly haven't failed anything. I don't have to do homework every night. I still have time to breathe, and see my kids, and watch Netflix, and go on an occasional date! It's great! College is great, I don't know why people complain.
Then I was briefly reviewing my day while trying to remember if there's any wine in the fridge before I got up to check (there isn't, in case you're wondering) and I remember that I registered for Spring classes! :D Yayyyy for Brittany and her single mother-ness and her awesome-ness and her working full time-ness! Going to college for a second semester! We're all so proud of me. As we all should be. I'm proud of me.
Then I remember the stupid thing I did.
It's rather easy, really.
This semester I took an 8am class and a 9:30 class on T&R. Back to back, same building. Super easy. I had one night class, M&W. Again. Super easy.
So, I went in to my counselor and told her four things:
1. I wanted to take four classes instead of three.
2. These classes all had to be Tuesday Thursday, with the exception of SGNL2 (sign language, if there was any doubt)
3. I wanted to take Houck for my History 1302 (because he is my favorite.)
4. I did not want Howell for my English 1302 (because she makes me crazy)
Then there were... complications.
Next semester I am
*straightens imaginary glasses while looking at my schedule*
8am MATH. (Prof: Dixon) WTF WAS I THINKING. Oh, right. I wasn't. My counselor told me this was a good idea and I trusted her.
9:30am English (Prof: Williams) there. Requirement #4 is fulfilled.
11am Speech (Prof: Martin) see below for explanation
12:30pm History (Prof: Delao) see immediately above.
okay, a couple of things you may have noticed.
1. I am taking four classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
2. Houck is not my history teacher.
So, my degree plan dictates that I need a "Business math" Ahem, MATH1324. The only T-R class time is 8am. Okay. We're going to do that.
Houck only teaches Hist1302 on MWF (booooooooo) so I had to go with another professor.
This professor's other time slots were all already filled. so, I had to do 12:30.
English was only offered 9:30 & 8am. My 8am is already filled. English at 9:30
I didn't want a random gap between my class ending at 10:45 & my class starting at 12:30 so we tried to find something to throw in there.
Counselor's suggestion: Art or Music Appreciation (both sound terrible.) I say okay, We look up Music (I figure this could be sliiiiiiiiiiightly useful with my job) it's only offered at 9:30. I don't have a 9:30 open. I ask to change English to 8am and do Music Appreciation instead. She told me no. (She knows I'm just trying to get out of math. She knows.) So we look up Art Appreciation, classes are all full. So, we're thinking government or speech. I say Speech.
I'm good at speeching. (It is indeed a verb)
It's part of my job. I know how to enunciate, project, slow down, and relax in front of crowds. I've been doing it for over a year now. I'm good.
Counselor looks at me really funny because apparently people avoid speech like I avoid math.
but that's how that got thrown in.
I can't enroll in SGNL1302 because I have to pass with an 80+ (current grade: 96 if you round up) and since I take it through Howard College, and they don't open registration until November, I'm just waiting.
I just effectively doubled my homework. I just easily took another 4 hours off my schedule, nicely knocking me down to 30 hour weeks instead of the 34-35 hour weeks I have now (but I'm not worrying too much about pay, I'm expecting a raise pretty soon) I'm mostly working about not having enough time to actually finish the work.
But I have a plan.
We have a new girl doing Cody's job since Cody doesn't do Cody's job anymore. And I'll just teach her to do the things Cody tricked me into doing for him, and lighten my work load while beefing up her paycheck. Perfect, right?
Now I just have to tell Reed.
Reed, who wasn't too keen on me going to school at all just 4 months ago.
This is going to be great.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Sunday, October 19, 2014
My Kind of Perfect
I imagine most girls think the perfect first date all the time. It's the guy showing up on time. Him driving while following the traffic laws. He takes you to the restaurant he took suggestions on, but ultimately picked himself( Instead of just saying "I don't care, you pick.")(take note, guys. We want you to pick. Really.) nice dinner conversation. we order a salad because we don't want to cost too much, or out eat him. Probably split dessert. He pays. You go to a movie, that you both picked, because he's sensitive and shit and texts you before hand and asks you if you want a romantic comedy or a drama. He drops you off, walks you to the door, smiles and says good night, and doesn't even kiss you, because he knows kissing on the first date isn't classy (or at least that's what you tell yourself)
that's not me.
Wanna know why?
Because it's so cookie cutter.
I want something fun.
Take me to a football game where we eat nachos even though there is nothing attractive about eating a cheese slathered corn chip. Let's go rollerskating at the rink no one our age has been to since the sixth grade. Let's take a walk through a park when it's chilly enough that you have to give me your jacket because I'm a wimp. Take me out for coffee and make fun of my ridiculously complex orders. Take me out dancing, even if we don't do it well. I want to be able to converse the entire time. I want to learn something about you. Whether it's how terrible you are on skates, or how you like your coffee, I want to learn something. And honestly, just planning out a date will tell me something about you. The conversation will be interesting, because we'll talk about why the heck I have three kids already, and what kind of music I like.
That kind of stuff can't be learned during a movie.
Take some time to make things special and unique, because that makes me feel special and unique. It doesn't have to be expensive (and I'm just sayin', I think the skating rink is probably way cheaper than the movies now days.)
That is what I want. I want communication and originality.
And I know that makes me difficult. But it's also what makes me awesome.
till next time, suckahs! ;)
that's not me.
Wanna know why?
Because it's so cookie cutter.
I want something fun.
Take me to a football game where we eat nachos even though there is nothing attractive about eating a cheese slathered corn chip. Let's go rollerskating at the rink no one our age has been to since the sixth grade. Let's take a walk through a park when it's chilly enough that you have to give me your jacket because I'm a wimp. Take me out for coffee and make fun of my ridiculously complex orders. Take me out dancing, even if we don't do it well. I want to be able to converse the entire time. I want to learn something about you. Whether it's how terrible you are on skates, or how you like your coffee, I want to learn something. And honestly, just planning out a date will tell me something about you. The conversation will be interesting, because we'll talk about why the heck I have three kids already, and what kind of music I like.
That kind of stuff can't be learned during a movie.
Take some time to make things special and unique, because that makes me feel special and unique. It doesn't have to be expensive (and I'm just sayin', I think the skating rink is probably way cheaper than the movies now days.)
That is what I want. I want communication and originality.
And I know that makes me difficult. But it's also what makes me awesome.
till next time, suckahs! ;)
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Pinspired Halloween
so, Halloween is kind of my favourite.
"why is Halloween your favourite, Brittany?"
New Years Eve. I get super sleepy before Midnight. Plus, I always have to work.
Easter. Egg hunts are kind of tedious.
Independence Day. I burned my fingers trying to pop off fireworks... :(
Thanksgiving. If I don't like someone's dish they may get all offended.
Christmas. Oh man, don't get me started on Christmas. One word. Shopping.
What if I get someone a present and they don't like it? Or it's something they already have?? Or I get something that's useless? Or my kids gets something that's loud? It's just stressful.
now don't get me wrong. I like all the holidays, but there are also reasons to dislike them too.
but Halloween.
Yay candy.
also, getting to dress up?
Yay for pretending to be whoever you want to be.
As for my kids. They're going to be all frozen
My girls will look a little like this

and my son! He will be the best Olaf ever! He's just is gonna wear white clothes, I'll tape a few black dots to him, and voila! Olaf <3 (I found his hat right here. Pretty snazzy, eh? Thank you pinterest, for helping me find these amazing things
.... I may have bedazzled a pumpkin. With thumb tacks (again, HEB) and brads again (I was really bored, I couldn't stop myself.) but it was just a good fun time.
and I also had a fail. I tried to artistically melt crayons all over one, intending to layer it, and then scratch boo back into it, being all artsy and shizz.
It did not work for me.
Mostly because I thought 6 crayons would be enough. I grossly underestimated the surface area of the pumpkin. I gave up and donated my disfigured gourd to my brother.
Anyway, I'm not finished yet! I will be decorating my door soon! :)
but it is time for me to go to sleep.
"why is Halloween your favourite, Brittany?"
New Years Eve. I get super sleepy before Midnight. Plus, I always have to work.
Easter. Egg hunts are kind of tedious.
Independence Day. I burned my fingers trying to pop off fireworks... :(
Thanksgiving. If I don't like someone's dish they may get all offended.
Christmas. Oh man, don't get me started on Christmas. One word. Shopping.
What if I get someone a present and they don't like it? Or it's something they already have?? Or I get something that's useless? Or my kids gets something that's loud? It's just stressful.
now don't get me wrong. I like all the holidays, but there are also reasons to dislike them too.
but Halloween.
Yay candy.
also, getting to dress up?
Yay for pretending to be whoever you want to be.
As for my kids. They're going to be all frozen
My girls will look a little like this

My Rhyssie girl is going to be Anna (of course) and though she is super bald (more now than ever, I just shaved her little noggin to help her hair grow evenly) I'll totally put a headband on that beautiful bald head of hers <3
You can find this dress here.

My Xiaden baby is going to be Elsa. We're probably just going to braid her hair. She probably won't stop singing "Frozen Fractals all around!" all night long. Or being completely and totally vain and conceited and say "I'm so beautiful" a billion times.
Her dress? Aqui!
and my son! He will be the best Olaf ever! He's just is gonna wear white clothes, I'll tape a few black dots to him, and voila! Olaf <3 (I found his hat right here. Pretty snazzy, eh? Thank you pinterest, for helping me find these amazing things
le owl pumpkin.
It really is as easy as it looks.
I mean, I just got a few brads from HEB (yes, like, paper brads, that hold stuff together. I shanked my pumpkins with them) I threw a few on the body to bling it out, a few to hold the wings on, and the eyes, and the beak. Pretty easy. I didn't even use the tutorial pinterest gave me.
.... I may have bedazzled a pumpkin. With thumb tacks (again, HEB) and brads again (I was really bored, I couldn't stop myself.) but it was just a good fun time.
and I also had a fail. I tried to artistically melt crayons all over one, intending to layer it, and then scratch boo back into it, being all artsy and shizz.
It did not work for me.
Mostly because I thought 6 crayons would be enough. I grossly underestimated the surface area of the pumpkin. I gave up and donated my disfigured gourd to my brother.
Anyway, I'm not finished yet! I will be decorating my door soon! :)
but it is time for me to go to sleep.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
A Day In the Life
My son is afraid of bugs, okay?
Legit, even flies. I think once a butterfly freaked him out once.
Well, this morning he saved my life.
that is a little melodramatic. I was peeing and all three of my children were in the bathroom (not a rare occurrence, though I wish it were) and Xiaden starts screaming something I don't understand and she and Rhys flee the bathroom, and Kamden is pressed against the wall. I am groggy and I don't really care what's going on because I am just pleased that there is only one kid in my bathroom instead of three.
Until I looked over. And saw the biggest freaking spider of my entire life in the bathtub.
It's one of those spiders that could make my uncle cry.
I promise he's straight.
And he like, shoots animals and cooks them for dinner, and stuff. He's a man's man. Not a fan of spiders.
Okay "not a fan" is an understatement.
But anyway, this is not the point.
so... my initial reaction was this:
Legit, even flies. I think once a butterfly freaked him out once.
Well, this morning he saved my life.
that is a little melodramatic. I was peeing and all three of my children were in the bathroom (not a rare occurrence, though I wish it were) and Xiaden starts screaming something I don't understand and she and Rhys flee the bathroom, and Kamden is pressed against the wall. I am groggy and I don't really care what's going on because I am just pleased that there is only one kid in my bathroom instead of three.
Until I looked over. And saw the biggest freaking spider of my entire life in the bathtub.
It's one of those spiders that could make my uncle cry.
I promise he's straight.
And he like, shoots animals and cooks them for dinner, and stuff. He's a man's man. Not a fan of spiders.
Okay "not a fan" is an understatement.
But anyway, this is not the point.
so... my initial reaction was this:
I didn't think that would go over well... so my next thought was to pull up my pants, calmly walk out of the bathroom and hide.
until Tylor went into the bathroom and killed it for me ;)
That's him, on the right. your right, not my right. The ginger boy is Kyle (he has no soul) and Tylor rocks a fro 1/2 of the year.
But then my four year old son jumped into the bathtub with his ka-chow (Lightning McQueen) shoes stomps around the bathroom squealing and when he steps on it, it sticks to his shoes and he starts panicking.
It finally falls off his shoe and he scrambles out of the bathroom and runs out of the bathroom.
and I am just sitting there trying to figure out when my son became a badass.
but he is <3
Rhyssie has a new favourite word. "Ew."
It happens when she poops, or her diaper is too wet for her liking, or she makes a mess out of her food. "ew"
usually accompanied with a diaper hitting me.
So, that's cuuuuuute.
Vampire Diaries Season 5 has hit the Netflix.
I have been glued to the tv. Ahhh, I can't stop.
I don't know what this show makes me love it so much, but I just do.
Okay that is a lie.
I know exactly why I love it.
This man. This man right here.
Oh My Gosh.
I will always maintain that he is the most perfect man ever.
Ian Somerhalder. He was Sexy in Lost. He is sexy In TVD. He is an animal right's advocate. there is nothing more perfect than that man.
That's that.
I am actually doing the laundry that I've been mentioning for the last few weeks. I am hoping to go out and dance my already sore butt off. ;)
The British Fairy,
Thursday, October 9, 2014
At Least I'm Trying?
I worked out my legs last night. I am so so so sore. My abs and my butt, too. I am waddle waddle waddling all over campus (and by all over, I mean down the hall, because I was a smart Brittany and scheduled this semester's classes in the same building.) and English got out early, so I'm sitting in History, texting a few people and I was like "THIS IS A BLOG WRITING OPPORTUNITY!"
Have you ever noticed that my blog is basically about absolutely nothing??
I mean, look.
Just LOOK at this amazing blog
Seriously, Mel's got this down. I just talk about all the things, and she's got like, legit stuff going down. She could be a Pinterest super star.
I'm just saying. She could.
On another note.
I like my history class.
My teacher and my weird friends.
There's a chinese guy, and he's like, legit from China, and he bought my notes last week (he passed the test, so, booyah) and I am amused that he has to take US History even though it's completely pointless. And then there's my weird history nurse friend who just asked me what's wrong, because I'm all sleepy looking and staring at the computer.
let's see... since we've already established I am a random person, I skipped English on Tuesday. I skipped English to get Venezuelan food (Cafe Unique, Midland. NOMS) and an eyebrow wax (which was needed, however, they took half of my eyebrows off, so I'm a little sad about that) (okay, not half, but like, a lot.)
So there's this girl named Michaela in my history class. She's in Early College High School. So... high school kid in my class. and she goes by Skye. Because she's edgy like that.
I kind of tease her...not completely nicely. People laugh because I'm funny, but mostly because I'm super honest and blunt and witty.
Tuesday I asked her if she wanted to come sit with me and be my best friend, and she can soak up my awesomeness.
she's sitting with me. Not like, next to me. But one seat over, one seat back.
I did not do a smart thing.
[UPDATE: I told the girl to shut up, all witty and stuff, professor laughed. After class he thanked me for telling her to shut it. words: "I can't terrorize them, because I'm a teacher, but you are not a teacher. And you can. So keep it up."
I'm sorry, I can't see you over how big my ego is. This history prof makes me feel like the best student ever. -fin-]
Anyway. Prof's here. Gotta go, lovers!
A for awesome.
Have you ever noticed that my blog is basically about absolutely nothing??
I mean, look.
Just LOOK at this amazing blog
Seriously, Mel's got this down. I just talk about all the things, and she's got like, legit stuff going down. She could be a Pinterest super star.
I'm just saying. She could.
On another note.
I like my history class.
My teacher and my weird friends.
There's a chinese guy, and he's like, legit from China, and he bought my notes last week (he passed the test, so, booyah) and I am amused that he has to take US History even though it's completely pointless. And then there's my weird history nurse friend who just asked me what's wrong, because I'm all sleepy looking and staring at the computer.
let's see... since we've already established I am a random person, I skipped English on Tuesday. I skipped English to get Venezuelan food (Cafe Unique, Midland. NOMS) and an eyebrow wax (which was needed, however, they took half of my eyebrows off, so I'm a little sad about that) (okay, not half, but like, a lot.)
So there's this girl named Michaela in my history class. She's in Early College High School. So... high school kid in my class. and she goes by Skye. Because she's edgy like that.
I kind of tease her...not completely nicely. People laugh because I'm funny, but mostly because I'm super honest and blunt and witty.
Tuesday I asked her if she wanted to come sit with me and be my best friend, and she can soak up my awesomeness.
she's sitting with me. Not like, next to me. But one seat over, one seat back.
I did not do a smart thing.
[UPDATE: I told the girl to shut up, all witty and stuff, professor laughed. After class he thanked me for telling her to shut it. words: "I can't terrorize them, because I'm a teacher, but you are not a teacher. And you can. So keep it up."
I'm sorry, I can't see you over how big my ego is. This history prof makes me feel like the best student ever. -fin-]
Anyway. Prof's here. Gotta go, lovers!
A for awesome.
Monday, October 6, 2014
Sincerely Sucking
Sometimes I really think that I am the worst blogger ever, but then I look at my cousins' blogs (since they're the only other bloggers I know in real life) and since one hasn't written in a year and the other has been missing for two months, I feel a little better about letting 7 days go by without writing.
Steffie probably does not agree with the sentiment, but since Steffie doesn't write a blog (though we are both in agreement about why she shouldn't) she doesn't get to pout (you hear that? stop pouting)
Report card: brought my B up to an A. I now have all As. I got a 94 on my History Exam (highest I've heard of, yay!) my teacher reviewed the striped large cat intro in front of the class while trying to maintain seriousness, which was hilarious. And I passed my first sign language test.
It was a good week for Brittany's education.
Saturday, I went to the coolest wedding ever... And by "went to" I mean "DJ'd at," but whatever. It was a small back yard wedding, and they were crazy cool. I ended up going two hours of overtime, (my legs were killing me) but I had so much fun with them it didn't matter that I was all sorts of achey.
Anyway, I stayed up way past my bedtime, and I am currently trying really hard not to fall asleep. I mean, it could easily happen if I stay still to long. So I am writing this for two reasons:
1. For the Sake of the Blog post.
2. To keep my hands (ergo, my brain) busy so I can't fall asleep.
Awesome, right? How I'm just chilling at my desk trying to not fall asleep and instead of working on worky productive things, I am writing on here. I am in for such a culture shock when I find a new job.
Speaking of new job, I am officially on the hunt for one. I love Boyd's Events, but I can't really move any further up the ladder staying here, so I'm browsing jobs that will work with my school schedule and challenge me. Just so you know. If you find something that's pretty okay with almost 2 years of office experience taking 12 hours in college, let me know. Fo rizzle.
I am eating a fudge poptart (that I keep stocked in my desk, along with s'mores poptarts, chips a'hoy and sunflower seeds) in hopes that the sugar and all the terrible calories and everything else that makes it taste so good while simultaneously making it bad for me will perk me up.
Because I have quite a lot to do. Pretty busy weekend.
For work, not for me. Because I will be spending most of my week doing laundry so I can have a girls night with the Shellerrrr and her weird friends ;) haha
That is my plan, anyway ;)
Okay, blog, you and poptart are not keeping me awake. I just had a near death experience, where I kind of dozed off just a little and my head nodded forward, and I did the whole "oh shxt I'm falling to my death" thing, which is not cute and not at all inconspicuous.
I'm going to go find coffee.
so, ttyl, losers ;)
Steffie probably does not agree with the sentiment, but since Steffie doesn't write a blog (though we are both in agreement about why she shouldn't) she doesn't get to pout (you hear that? stop pouting)
Report card: brought my B up to an A. I now have all As. I got a 94 on my History Exam (highest I've heard of, yay!) my teacher reviewed the striped large cat intro in front of the class while trying to maintain seriousness, which was hilarious. And I passed my first sign language test.
It was a good week for Brittany's education.
Saturday, I went to the coolest wedding ever... And by "went to" I mean "DJ'd at," but whatever. It was a small back yard wedding, and they were crazy cool. I ended up going two hours of overtime, (my legs were killing me) but I had so much fun with them it didn't matter that I was all sorts of achey.
Anyway, I stayed up way past my bedtime, and I am currently trying really hard not to fall asleep. I mean, it could easily happen if I stay still to long. So I am writing this for two reasons:
1. For the Sake of the Blog post.
2. To keep my hands (ergo, my brain) busy so I can't fall asleep.
Awesome, right? How I'm just chilling at my desk trying to not fall asleep and instead of working on worky productive things, I am writing on here. I am in for such a culture shock when I find a new job.
Speaking of new job, I am officially on the hunt for one. I love Boyd's Events, but I can't really move any further up the ladder staying here, so I'm browsing jobs that will work with my school schedule and challenge me. Just so you know. If you find something that's pretty okay with almost 2 years of office experience taking 12 hours in college, let me know. Fo rizzle.
I am eating a fudge poptart (that I keep stocked in my desk, along with s'mores poptarts, chips a'hoy and sunflower seeds) in hopes that the sugar and all the terrible calories and everything else that makes it taste so good while simultaneously making it bad for me will perk me up.
Because I have quite a lot to do. Pretty busy weekend.
For work, not for me. Because I will be spending most of my week doing laundry so I can have a girls night with the Shellerrrr and her weird friends ;) haha
That is my plan, anyway ;)
Okay, blog, you and poptart are not keeping me awake. I just had a near death experience, where I kind of dozed off just a little and my head nodded forward, and I did the whole "oh shxt I'm falling to my death" thing, which is not cute and not at all inconspicuous.
I'm going to go find coffee.
so, ttyl, losers ;)
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