Every once in a while, I get a Pinterest notification that looks like this.
So, since I'm pretty terrible at doing things Steffie tells me to, I will follow this one wish. Kind of. But not really. I wrote out half of a blog trying to think of things I'd do differently, but I've had three kids! I'm basically a pro now.
If you want to read the original article, you can read it here.
So, here we go. 10 dumb things I did with my first baby. I now know better and I hope this knowledge will be passed on to you.
1. Don't get those stupid wipee warmers. They dry the wipes out, and it doesn't matter if the wipes are warm or cold. That baby will cry simply because they're butt naked and uncomfortable!
2. Baby Shoes are completely unnecessary. It's stupid. Really. They can't walk. Don't put shoes on their tiny baby feet, because they are masters at kicking them off, then losing them. So you'd spend more time looking for the lost shoe than they'd spend actually wearing them.
3. Don't feel bad when you're happy to be away from the baby. No. It's awesome to remember that you're your own person. You're not just a mom. You're a person. You were a person before that baby and sometimes you need to ask your mom to keep your baby so you can take a long bath and not worry about the baby.
4. Don't take everyone's advice. Listen to it, sure. But remember, your baby is different than other babies. Your baby is your baby and you know what's best.
5. Don't google anything. Call your doctor. I was convinced Xia had sleep apnea because she'd sigh in her sleep. Why? WebMD told me so. That was stupid. The doctor told me she was fine. I insisted that she had sleep apnea and she needed to be hooked up to a monitor. That was stupid. Worst month of my life.
6. Don't make that baby wear clothes all the time. They poop, puke and pee. All you're doing is ensuring that the baby wears every outfit that was gotten for it. You're also making a lot of tiny laundry. It is okay if babies are naked. It's actually how they are born. Believe it or not.
7. Don't wake the baby up at night to feed it. Don't. All you're doing is creating a pissed off baby with bad sleeping habits. It'll wake up if it's hungry. It will tell you when it's snack time.
8. Don't hold it after it's asleep. Put it down. I created three very spoiled babies by doing this. I still have not learned my lesson. Babies are cute and cuddly and awesome
9. Don't be quiet. I tiptoed around Xiaden so every time I bumped into a table she'd wake up. It's excrutiating. Rhyssie sleeps the best out of all three. Why? She is growing up listening to Xia and Kam bicker and laugh and run around.
10. Don't start potty training early. They'll let you know when they're ready. Otherwise you end up with a lot of wet underwear and pee spots hidden around the house. Trust your kids. They know.
Anything you'd like to add/disagree with?
I'd love to hear it!
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