Wednesday, July 23, 2014

5 Things

Today is a good day!  And by good day, I mean nothing went wrong so everythings great!

So today, class, we're going to do a 5 things post. Why?
And I feel like it's been a while since my last one :)
Let's get started!

This Pin, sent to me by the infamous Steffie Marie.
I like to say I'm fat because I'm over weight, but this girl sees underneath the chub and refuses to let me say it in front of her. She's persistent, stubborn, and sends me things to boost my self esteem. I <3 her and I <3 this.

Since it's Wednesday, lets talk about my Woman Crush Wednesday. She's pretty much one of the only people who could possibly understand what I've been through. Plus she's been my friend since like, 6th grade. Plus she makes me be healthy when we do lunch. Today we did flatbelly. It was pretty gross. Except the soup. Soup was good.

this turtle. My kiddos were on their way out to the car earlier this week and stumbled upon this little guy. They all took turns petting it and giggling and squealing in delight. I was running late but I took the three minutes to see my kids' happiness in the morning. :)

This face. This is Brad. Brad and I kind of dated in high school. Twice. Both times were idiotic seeing as he's a huge douche and I'm a rude bitch and we butted heads all the time. But we make great friends. And when he made a joke, I responded inappropriately and this was the face that happened. It was beautiful.

This girls mouth. Calm down now. She's sort of a genius rambler, and the things that slip out of her mouth unfiltered are freaking hilarious. She's a freaking joy to be around. She's the ray of sunshine piercing the darkness to light up my world. She's the clouds that shelter me from the scorching light of the cruel world. She's a golden egg a midst a basket full of shxt.
These are all real things that she's really said. this week. JUST THIS WEEK.
She also has a discomfort with the words "Bean paste" so we call it beannut butter. Because we're hilarious.

 Okay, now that I'm looking at this all again, I'm starting to think that my 5 things post should be a "Favorite people" post or something. But I'm too lazy to change it and I also DONT CURR.
So. Tomorrow, I will be posting an interview type thing. So if you have anything you want to know, comment/email your questions to me and I'll include them.
Other than that I'm going to pick a random thing off the Google. :)

Til Tomorrow, Troublemakers.

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