Okay, I've been working a lot and thats not an excuse for missing nearly 2 weeks of blogging, but it's a factor.
And now, on Christmas day (the busiest day of the year, mind you) I could be napping, but instead, I am blogging :)
actually, it's just gonna big picture thing. woohoo!!!
here's what's happened today.
yes, yes my mommy did give me a Canon Rebel T5 :D
and I haven't taken my HP ring off yet. AND I WATCHED MALEFICENT AND IT'S JUST WONDERFUL.
alls I'm saying is shot glasses.
Oh, and a really cool TARDIS phone charm that lights up and spins when I receive/send calls/texts :)
and here are my beautiful babies with their beautiful hats. I would take pictures of their presents, except they have about 100 & ain't nobody got time for that ;)
now, I have to shower and get ready for Christmas Day pt3 :) :) :)
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Friday, December 12, 2014
Magic Is Happening.
Okay, I have a really good reason for not posting in 8 days.
and Christmas Parties.
I go to work by day, then DJ at Christmas Parties by Night. It's exhausting. I'm actually writing right now because I can't concentrate on anything. (I'm waiting for the coffee to brew - yawn)
So, the magic thing
and Christmas Parties.
I go to work by day, then DJ at Christmas Parties by Night. It's exhausting. I'm actually writing right now because I can't concentrate on anything. (I'm waiting for the coffee to brew - yawn)
So, the magic thing
when you wear high heels, your feet hurt?
yeah, me too. I love the way I look, hate the way I feel. Usually after an hour (I'm a wimp) I have to kick them off because I like being able to walk without a weird look on my face. Welllll, I was listening to Kellie (on the Kidd Kraddick Morning Show) and she told me something I was very skeptical about.
If you tape your third and fourth toes together, your feet will hurt less.
(basically your foot doing the "west side" sign that we all did in 6th grade)
so... I tried it.
I had some medical tape lying around the house
and I taped my toes together.
I have these 4 inch platform pumps I am absolutely in love with.
I bought them for like, 7 bucks in a sale at Charlotte Russe.
they're exactly like this, except black.
so, I can't wear these babies for long. at all.
(sorry for the teeny tiny shoe. if you wanna see it, click here.)
I wore them for like, 10 hours.
Magic I tell you!
but not really.
but not really.
According to WhoWhatWear there is a pretty simple explanation behind why this works.
There’s a nerve that splits between those two toes, and when you put pressure on that nerve (a.k.a. when you wear heels) it causes pain. The tape removes strain on the nerve, allowing you to wear heels without the pain!
So, unless I'm wearing peeptoes (which I never do, I am not a fan) I will definitely have my toes taped!
That's all for today folks, coffees done!
(PS I passed all my finals and classes. yay me.)
Thursday, December 4, 2014
This week I have:
-completed my last day of classes (next week I only have finals! Ah!)
-my cousins wedding!!!! (YAYYAYYAYYAYYAYYAY!)
-the biggest work load ever (like, 22 events in 2 days - I know that doesn't mean much to you, but it's a lot of planning and paperwork and stress)
-studied more than I have in my entire life (mostly for ASL & History)
-completed the first season of "The 100" (It was good - btw)
-dropped the crazy history professor I was signed up to take next semester
-had another successful meeting of the study posse.
-written two essays
-had breakfast at Lori's with one of the besties (that was actually this morning)
-managed to hide Twinkle (our elf on the shelf) every night except one (don't worry, mom did it for me that night)
-gone to bed real early every night
-fallen asleep real late every night
-neglected my blog :(
-had lunch at a place called J Peno's (food was great, tea was terrible)
-planned the best birthday present for my mom EVER.
-been obsessing over The Chainsmoker's song Kanye (go watch it)
-realized that my baby is turning two in three months.
-completed wrapping the necessary Christmas presents
-not killed anyone (believe me, it's a struggle sometimes)
-finished the final touches on my company Christmas party!
-only cried once at work (when I stress I cry. Who am I kidding, I cry all the time for all the emotions, judge me all you want)
-not shaved my legs (God, I need to do that tomorrow)
-watched the new Star Wars trailer a billion times
-watched the trailer for Jurrasic World two billion times
that's all, folks
(Bed time!)
-completed my last day of classes (next week I only have finals! Ah!)
-my cousins wedding!!!! (YAYYAYYAYYAYYAYYAY!)
-the biggest work load ever (like, 22 events in 2 days - I know that doesn't mean much to you, but it's a lot of planning and paperwork and stress)
-studied more than I have in my entire life (mostly for ASL & History)
-completed the first season of "The 100" (It was good - btw)
-dropped the crazy history professor I was signed up to take next semester
-had another successful meeting of the study posse.
-written two essays
-had breakfast at Lori's with one of the besties (that was actually this morning)
-managed to hide Twinkle (our elf on the shelf) every night except one (don't worry, mom did it for me that night)
-gone to bed real early every night
-fallen asleep real late every night
-neglected my blog :(
-had lunch at a place called J Peno's (food was great, tea was terrible)
-planned the best birthday present for my mom EVER.
-been obsessing over The Chainsmoker's song Kanye (go watch it)
-realized that my baby is turning two in three months.
-completed wrapping the necessary Christmas presents
-not killed anyone (believe me, it's a struggle sometimes)
-finished the final touches on my company Christmas party!
-only cried once at work (when I stress I cry. Who am I kidding, I cry all the time for all the emotions, judge me all you want)
-not shaved my legs (God, I need to do that tomorrow)
-watched the new Star Wars trailer a billion times
-watched the trailer for Jurrasic World two billion times
that's all, folks
(Bed time!)
Saturday, November 29, 2014
I'm sure you've all seen the [end] thing, no?
okay, just in case, here ya go, boo
okay, just in case, here ya go, boo
ya know?
Pretty true, I think. I mean, I am pretty sure I have family that's not blood (ahem, Steffie. Shelly. Nana. Etc.) and they're stuck with me foreverrrrrrrrrrrrr (sorry, not sorry) and that's all fine and good, lol.
But there are things that happen, and I believe family's all we got. I got married once, but that wasn't forever. Husband. Husbend. hm? Whatever.
Anyway, Thanksgiving has come and gone, and here I am, writing my bloggity blog. And I'm gonna tell you a liiiiiiitle bit about what I'm thankful for.
My Mema!
She is the only ginger I believe has a soul.
She is the best mema ever (I can't call her a grandma, because she's not that old, yet)
She has always got my back, and my kids' backs. She is probably the coolest person on the planet (I mean, who else gets their daughter a stripper for their 21st birthday?!) (Not my birthday. My mom's) and then jokes about it with their grandkid (yes, me)
Who's the one who knows my best friends' names and then makes fun of them with me? ("That Steffie's a weird one." "Yes, I know. But I like her, so I'll keep her around.") ("tell shelly not to get too drunk, You girls be safe.") she's just the best.
She gives awesome hugs, in case you were wondering. And I grew up with her. I am pretty sure I can thank her for my love of George Strait.
She's also pervy, and inappropriate and perfect. I love her to the moon and back.
even though she spoils my kids rotten.
(I'm sure my mom would say the same about me)
caught in action: Rhyssie is the spoiled-est child ever.
this is my little shrine to my Mema. Deal With It.
I love you.
I really do.
you may be a creepy stalker person
who leaves random "I love you's" in the comment sections
but I love you.
because you are so sweet.
to care about the awesomeness that spews from my fingertips.
who are probably my cousin or something of the like
I love you.
This Blog thing...
the start from 9 months ago...
It's love.
A literary dance we two have been twirling around
ups and downs.
and blah blah blah.
I'm crazy :)
I was going to do three of these, except I can't really think of anything else other than "cheese" which would be pretty lame. So I'm going to quit white I'm ahead. No need for nonsense.
I could have gone with cousins, or family, or whatever, and I shouldn't have really even just put mema. I should put mom or my aunts or seriously post all of the things... but I'm lazy and I feel like those two are a pretty good start.
Check back in a month, I'll be posting the New Year's Resolutions I know I don't intend to keep. It could be fun. A partay, except not really because my friends are lame and I'm not sure if the plans I have made for my children will be kept or not.
here's to hoping, I guess :)
Monday, November 24, 2014
There are certain things in this world I seriously think need to exist. Please, read on if you are curious. If you go on to magically create any of these things, I don't care about your money, I just want one.
1. Professional Book Reader as a job.
Every book that is being adapted into a movie or anything of the sort should be required to hire a professional book reader. This pro will read the book in question, and then sit in during the writing of the screen play and casting and slap every person that say "Well, what if we changed it to this..." Just slaps them. And goes back to reading.
Omitting stuff? Fine... mostly. Adding stuff? *Slap!*
This is my dream job. For realz tho.
2. Laundry Folders.
We have machines that wash our clothes. I take those wet, clean clothes and put them into another machine. I want there to be one more machine, where I take the clean, dry clothes and put them and when I come back, all of my clothes are folded. If we are able back the spider vacuum, then we should be able to fund this magic machine.
3. Bio band aids.
You get a cut on your hand. All you do is swab your skin with one end of a mechanic contraption, and then in a matter of minutes, a green light comes on and a nozzle pops up. Then you spray a new layer of biologically engineered skin that matches your DNA on to your cut, which binds in seconds. No scars or anything. I'm pretty sure they've come up with something like this for burn victims, but seriously, just make it happen.
4. Glow Formula.
I just want there to be a certain compound that is distributed in everyone's food, every where. This magic compound will cause people to glow green when they like other people. Obviously, this is probably not going to happen, but it would be incredibly useful. It would also prevent heartache and basically eliminate "players."
5. Motorized Chips.
I want there to be computer chips in all motorized vehicles that basically communicate with computer chips in Speed Limit signs, preventing the car to exceed the speed limit.
Okay, personally, I would hate this. But I can also see how it would be freaking awesome. And I also know that there are car people and computer people who could probably beat it,but give me some time and a crayon, and I will come up with some way to prevent that from happening.
6. NeverWet Hair Spray
Okay, if you haven't heard of Never Wet click on that link and prepare for your minds to be blown. I want the people to develop a formula with the ability to be used on organic organisms. I just want to never worry about my hair getting wet. OR my head getting sweaty and my hair falling flat and looking dirty because of it.
7. Warning Label Purge.
Okay, this one is controversial, but I feel like it's lovely. Just stop putting warning labels on all things non-medical. If people don't have the sense to leave their toaster out of the bathtub without a tag stating that it was a bad idea, then maybe those people need to look up Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection. Darwinism at it's finest. Then only smart people will reproduce and then the planet will be a better place.
(okay, that's just me being rude.)
Any other brilliant ideas, y'all?
Friday, November 21, 2014
SPOILERS. My take on: The Mockingjay Part 1
Okay, so we allllll know I'm a huge fan of the books written by Suzanne Collins. I can say I've easily read them a dozen times in the last three years. I love them. I've seen everyone in theater, either on opening night, or the night after. I am obsessed, and I am okay with that.
So, my mom and I watched the movies in the Epic! theater, my aunt and uncle had a date in a showing half an hour after ours started.
My aunt says: It was AWESOME! ! Lish n Britt got to watch 30 min before me n Jimmy but I LOVED IT! It was true to the book and I LOVE KATNISS!! "If WE burn, you BURN WITH US!!"
to which I obviously responded:I disagree with a portion of that statement but I will not disclose which portion. I will be posting a blog about my feelings and opinions on the movie, filled with "spoilers." Read it after you watch the movie and see if you agree with me
She then said that every party has a pooper.
I don't believe I'm a party pooper. I think I'm an obsessed fangirl. So the part I disagreed with was actually the "true to the book part."
I've been saying "you will definitely experience some intense feelings" for everyone asking me if it's good.
Which, in and of itself is actually a compliment. If you think a movie is terrible, you won't have any feelings. I mean, maybe you'd be upset, like I was with the Twilight movies vs Twilight Books. But even then, I didn't have feelings. I just said the acting was terrible. (And it was!)
My final ruling of the Mockingjay (now that I've had time to cool down and stop hating everything) is that it was really quite good.
I do this with all the movies.
Like, in The Hunger Games I was pissed that they omitted the goat story and the fact that Peeta's leg gets amputated. Oh, and that they made Katniss's personality dry - she was way more funny in the books.
And in Catching Fire, that they didn't have Darius the peacekeeper in there at all.
So, here's what I didn't like about The Mockingjay (part 1)
1. Effie Trinket was in District 13.
why is this a problem with me?
In the books she was arrested and stayed captive in the capitol. The only time we are supposed to see her in the Mockingjay is in the end, when Katniss is getting ready to execute Snow,
2. There was no naked Finnick.
why is this a problem with me?
In the book: Finnick is supposed to be super depressed and a little loony.
this is a conversation that is supposed to happen:
“Finnick?" I say, "Maybe some pants?"
He looks down at his legs as if noticing his outfit for the first time. Then he whips off his hospital gown leaving him in just his underwear. "Why? Do you find this" -- he strikes a ridiculously provocative pose -- "distracting?"I laugh. Boggs looks embarrassed and Finnick looks more like the guy I met at the Quarter Quell”
Haymitch in my head full-time. Horrifying. "I'll keep the earpiece in," I mutter.
which then leads to Boggs saying:
“Well, don't expect us to be too impressed. We just saw Finnick Odair in his underwear.”
But really, Boggs was just a minor character in the movie. There was no laughter or fun stuff, no feelings.
3. They didn't do the District Propos
I don't know why this upset me so much. But they didn't do any "we remember" assaults.
4. There was no Katniss + Finnick super melt down.
After the bombing, Katniss is supposed to say "District 13 is alive and well, and so am I." but she starts freaking out and having a panic attack and they have to sedate her, which causes Finnick to start freaking out, and they're supposed to like, crazy besties. That didn't happen.
Katniss just was like "I can't do this." and everyone was like, "oh, okay."
Katniss is supposed to be seven kinds of crazy in the beginning. She isn't. There is only a little hint of crazy Katniss. Boo.
5. The friendship between Finnick and Katniss isn't anywhere nearly as heartbreaking...
This whole scene was picked over, they used the line in passing.
“How do you bear it?” Finnick looks at me in disbelief. “I don’t, Katniss! Obviously, I don’t. I drag myself out of nightmares each morning and find there’s no relief in waking.”
“The more you can distract yourself the better, ” he says. “First thing tomorrow, we’ll get you your own rope. Until then take mine.”
and there was no
“Want a sugar cube?" he asks in his old seductive voice. That's how we met, with Finnick offering me sugar. Surrounded by horses and chariots, costumed and painted for the crowds, before we were allies. Before I had any idea what made him tick. The memory actually coaxes a smile out of me. "Here, it improves the taste," he says in his real voice, plunking three cubes into my cup.”
I seriously believe they just didn't want Katniss to smile at all the whole movie.
6. The earpiece conversation never happened.
This was literally one of my favorite parts in the books. They didn't even have Haymitch go to district 8.
"This is your earpiece. I will give you exactly one more chance to wear it. If you remove it from your ear again, I'll have you fitted with this." He holds up some sort of metal headgear that I instantly name the head shackle. "It's an alternative audio unit that locks around your skull and under your chin until it's opened with a key. And I'll have the only key. If for some reason you're clever enough to disable it,"—Haymitch dumps the head shackle on the bed and whips out a tiny silver chip—"I'll authorize them to surgically implant this transmitter into your ear so that I may speak to you twenty-four hours a day."
7. There was some really weird webcam convo between Katniss and President Snow at the end and I just wanted to slap the screen directors because that was totally just pulled out of thin air. That didn't happen. Plus, Katniss was in the dark about the entire operation, there was no magic camera feed. No. We don't know anything about Gale and Boggs and how they're doing when they leave until they come back to the compound.
Other than that, I totally support the movie.
Coin was just like I imagined her, though a little more supportive than I would have thought.
Plutarch was on point. So were "The Insects." The scene from district 8 was on point, as was the entire filming part in district 12. The story line basically stayed the same, just with a few emotional bits omitted. I do think they ended it a little oddly, I would have chosen a different point. But they definitely did just throw me off a cliff. I'm just hanging here. For 364 more days, until Part 2 is released.
that's what I think.
What do you think?
So, my mom and I watched the movies in the Epic! theater, my aunt and uncle had a date in a showing half an hour after ours started.
My aunt says: It was AWESOME! ! Lish n Britt got to watch 30 min before me n Jimmy but I LOVED IT! It was true to the book and I LOVE KATNISS!! "If WE burn, you BURN WITH US!!"
to which I obviously responded:I disagree with a portion of that statement but I will not disclose which portion. I will be posting a blog about my feelings and opinions on the movie, filled with "spoilers." Read it after you watch the movie and see if you agree with me
She then said that every party has a pooper.
I don't believe I'm a party pooper. I think I'm an obsessed fangirl. So the part I disagreed with was actually the "true to the book part."
I've been saying "you will definitely experience some intense feelings" for everyone asking me if it's good.
Which, in and of itself is actually a compliment. If you think a movie is terrible, you won't have any feelings. I mean, maybe you'd be upset, like I was with the Twilight movies vs Twilight Books. But even then, I didn't have feelings. I just said the acting was terrible. (And it was!)
My final ruling of the Mockingjay (now that I've had time to cool down and stop hating everything) is that it was really quite good.
I do this with all the movies.
Like, in The Hunger Games I was pissed that they omitted the goat story and the fact that Peeta's leg gets amputated. Oh, and that they made Katniss's personality dry - she was way more funny in the books.
And in Catching Fire, that they didn't have Darius the peacekeeper in there at all.
So, here's what I didn't like about The Mockingjay (part 1)
1. Effie Trinket was in District 13.
why is this a problem with me?
In the books she was arrested and stayed captive in the capitol. The only time we are supposed to see her in the Mockingjay is in the end, when Katniss is getting ready to execute Snow,
2. There was no naked Finnick.
why is this a problem with me?
In the book: Finnick is supposed to be super depressed and a little loony.
this is a conversation that is supposed to happen:
“Finnick?" I say, "Maybe some pants?"
He looks down at his legs as if noticing his outfit for the first time. Then he whips off his hospital gown leaving him in just his underwear. "Why? Do you find this" -- he strikes a ridiculously provocative pose -- "distracting?"I laugh. Boggs looks embarrassed and Finnick looks more like the guy I met at the Quarter Quell”
Haymitch in my head full-time. Horrifying. "I'll keep the earpiece in," I mutter.
which then leads to Boggs saying:
“Well, don't expect us to be too impressed. We just saw Finnick Odair in his underwear.”
But really, Boggs was just a minor character in the movie. There was no laughter or fun stuff, no feelings.
3. They didn't do the District Propos
I don't know why this upset me so much. But they didn't do any "we remember" assaults.
4. There was no Katniss + Finnick super melt down.
After the bombing, Katniss is supposed to say "District 13 is alive and well, and so am I." but she starts freaking out and having a panic attack and they have to sedate her, which causes Finnick to start freaking out, and they're supposed to like, crazy besties. That didn't happen.
Katniss just was like "I can't do this." and everyone was like, "oh, okay."
Katniss is supposed to be seven kinds of crazy in the beginning. She isn't. There is only a little hint of crazy Katniss. Boo.
5. The friendship between Finnick and Katniss isn't anywhere nearly as heartbreaking...
This whole scene was picked over, they used the line in passing.
“How do you bear it?” Finnick looks at me in disbelief. “I don’t, Katniss! Obviously, I don’t. I drag myself out of nightmares each morning and find there’s no relief in waking.”
“The more you can distract yourself the better, ” he says. “First thing tomorrow, we’ll get you your own rope. Until then take mine.”
and there was no
“Want a sugar cube?" he asks in his old seductive voice. That's how we met, with Finnick offering me sugar. Surrounded by horses and chariots, costumed and painted for the crowds, before we were allies. Before I had any idea what made him tick. The memory actually coaxes a smile out of me. "Here, it improves the taste," he says in his real voice, plunking three cubes into my cup.”
I seriously believe they just didn't want Katniss to smile at all the whole movie.
6. The earpiece conversation never happened.
This was literally one of my favorite parts in the books. They didn't even have Haymitch go to district 8.
"This is your earpiece. I will give you exactly one more chance to wear it. If you remove it from your ear again, I'll have you fitted with this." He holds up some sort of metal headgear that I instantly name the head shackle. "It's an alternative audio unit that locks around your skull and under your chin until it's opened with a key. And I'll have the only key. If for some reason you're clever enough to disable it,"—Haymitch dumps the head shackle on the bed and whips out a tiny silver chip—"I'll authorize them to surgically implant this transmitter into your ear so that I may speak to you twenty-four hours a day."
7. There was some really weird webcam convo between Katniss and President Snow at the end and I just wanted to slap the screen directors because that was totally just pulled out of thin air. That didn't happen. Plus, Katniss was in the dark about the entire operation, there was no magic camera feed. No. We don't know anything about Gale and Boggs and how they're doing when they leave until they come back to the compound.
Other than that, I totally support the movie.
Coin was just like I imagined her, though a little more supportive than I would have thought.
Plutarch was on point. So were "The Insects." The scene from district 8 was on point, as was the entire filming part in district 12. The story line basically stayed the same, just with a few emotional bits omitted. I do think they ended it a little oddly, I would have chosen a different point. But they definitely did just throw me off a cliff. I'm just hanging here. For 364 more days, until Part 2 is released.
that's what I think.
What do you think?
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Okay, if you've talked to me enough, you will find that I have an unfair hatred for Thursdays.
I hate them. I don't know why. I just do. Everything bad seems to happen on Thursdays, for whatever reason. I tend to ignore them, and pretend there are two wednesdays or something.
not this Thursday.
you wanna know why?
didn't have to do anything. I spent my time writing an essay that's due Tuesday.
The essay that was due Tuesday has been pushed back to the NEXT Tuesday.
I took a nap.
Reed is in Las Vegas buying me new toys.
(I'm not cussing today. Because today is a good day.)
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!
I may be more than a little excited.
be jealous.
I hate them. I don't know why. I just do. Everything bad seems to happen on Thursdays, for whatever reason. I tend to ignore them, and pretend there are two wednesdays or something.
not this Thursday.
you wanna know why?
didn't have to do anything. I spent my time writing an essay that's due Tuesday.
The essay that was due Tuesday has been pushed back to the NEXT Tuesday.
I took a nap.
Reed is in Las Vegas buying me new toys.
(I'm not cussing today. Because today is a good day.)
I may be more than a little excited.
be jealous.
I'm All Shook Up
I don't ever know what to do when I like a boy. Okay, that's a lie, I want to smother him with my affection, but I have come to realize that when you do that, you're written off as a stage 5 clinger, obsessive and crazy.
Not that I've ever been that bad. I've seen it. It ain't pretty. And I'm pretty, so I obviously stop myself from being that crazy. So, anyway, I was thinking about these things, and I was like "you know, I've never read up on proper "OMG I have a school girl crush" etiquette. And it could be because it just never popped up on my facebook feed, or I always thought I was pretty good at it.
but anyway, the theme of today's blog
Oh look! A Blog about when you're totally crushing on a person!!!
This should be interesting. I do look forward to your input (I hear crickets chirping - no one ever gives me input)
Keep in mind that you already have your foot in the door. Like date number one is already completed. if you're just stalking someone or you need to find away to integrate yourself in their life, I don't know what to do for you. Say hi I guess.
So, here we go!
1. Do not text that person more than 3 times in a row without a response.
Because there's a reason you're not getting a response. They could be busy, they could be stressed, they could be hanging out with some person cuter than you. But it's okay. You are equally as awesome, so just chill out, wait. Wait a few hours before you send the next text. and a few more hours before the last. if they don't ever respond, try again three days later. I like threes and sevens.
2. Do not get jealous because that person spends their time elsewhere.
Because you don't owwwwwwwwn them. They have their own friends, and lives, and hobbies. And sometimes those things do not include you. I know, I know, you want to spend every spare minute on the phone with them, or texting them, or seeing them. I know. But you know that time you spend doing homework? Or showering? They may have wanted to spend that time with you. But time. apart. is. good.
PS. Do not ditch your friends to see that person, because your friends will love you no matter how stupid you are, and that person may or may not. Plus, it's rude. Oh, and if you do, and then you and that person should ever stop liking each other, then guess what? All your friends will be miffed because you ditched them for a seemingly random person! Or if something between you and that person happens, who are you gonna tell? Not your friends, because you ditched them for people.
3. Do not cyber stalk that person.
you will learn things you don't need to know. You will find pictures of that person and their exes and then become paranoid because that person hasn't told you about their exes yet. But that's okay. Because you are not even in a real relationship, so you don't even neeeeeed to know about the exes part. Eventually, you might learn about them. But hey, you know what/? you're awesome and you don't have anything to worry about. Mkaaaaaay?
4. Do not change yourself to better fit that person.
You are a unique puzzle piece, and you are a beautiful masterpiece. But if you start coloring on your self with sharpie to make yourself squeeze into a puzzle opening that wasn't meant for you every time you meet a nice person, guess what? Your puzzle piece masterpiece beauty will actually just be a whole bunch of different colored sharpie marks that don't make any sense. And when the right person with their beautiful masterpiece puzzle piece, they may not be able to recognize that you two are supposed to fit with each other. Chances are, you might not even be able to recognize yourself.
aka. don't pretend you're into football because he's into football. You don't have to like football!
5. Do not hold unrealistic expectations of what could happen.
because, uhm, well... duh. Things that happen on TV are not real life. That will probably never happen to you. And guess what? If it does happen to you, you will be presently surprised. If it doesn't happen to you, you won't be disappointed. Don't set that person up for failure because your imagination ran away with you. He is probably not going to do anything you see on TV ever. There will be no speakers under your door.
6. Do not get complacent.
because that's boring. Do new stuff together, go to restaurants you've never been before, learn things about each other. It's called dating. Dating is supposed to be fun. Dating is supposed to help you figure out what kind of person you want to be with, and if the person you are dating fits within that range of awesomeness. Don't just do dinner and a movie. That's lame. Pack a picnik and go sit out in the middle of nowhere and look at the stars when it gets dark. Do fun things. Do fun things without modern technology. That's even better.
7. Do not be an obligation.
because, you've been with someone who really likes you, probably more than you like them, right? and you keep talking to them because they are so into you and you don't want to hurt their feelings. Don't be that person. Don't be either of those people. Keep things light until it's time to get serious. Don't stay because you feel like you have to, because then you're gonna be miserable and they'll be even more miserable after you finally grow up and tell them to back off. It's dating. It's not forever. It's not supposed to be something you have to do with that person. It should be something you want to do with that person. If you don't want to be there, then you're not only inconveniencing yourself, but you're also setting that person to fall harder. And if you're super clingy, and you don't think the other person likes you as much as you like them, back off. Give them space. Time to miss you. And if they don't miss you, then find someone who will :)
and that's that.
I should let you know, though, I've been working on this blog for three days, so I'll be posting another one pretty dang soon.
Not that I've ever been that bad. I've seen it. It ain't pretty. And I'm pretty, so I obviously stop myself from being that crazy. So, anyway, I was thinking about these things, and I was like "you know, I've never read up on proper "OMG I have a school girl crush" etiquette. And it could be because it just never popped up on my facebook feed, or I always thought I was pretty good at it.
but anyway, the theme of today's blog

This should be interesting. I do look forward to your input (I hear crickets chirping - no one ever gives me input)
Keep in mind that you already have your foot in the door. Like date number one is already completed. if you're just stalking someone or you need to find away to integrate yourself in their life, I don't know what to do for you. Say hi I guess.
So, here we go!
1. Do not text that person more than 3 times in a row without a response.
Because there's a reason you're not getting a response. They could be busy, they could be stressed, they could be hanging out with some person cuter than you. But it's okay. You are equally as awesome, so just chill out, wait. Wait a few hours before you send the next text. and a few more hours before the last. if they don't ever respond, try again three days later. I like threes and sevens.
2. Do not get jealous because that person spends their time elsewhere.
Because you don't owwwwwwwwn them. They have their own friends, and lives, and hobbies. And sometimes those things do not include you. I know, I know, you want to spend every spare minute on the phone with them, or texting them, or seeing them. I know. But you know that time you spend doing homework? Or showering? They may have wanted to spend that time with you. But time. apart. is. good.
PS. Do not ditch your friends to see that person, because your friends will love you no matter how stupid you are, and that person may or may not. Plus, it's rude. Oh, and if you do, and then you and that person should ever stop liking each other, then guess what? All your friends will be miffed because you ditched them for a seemingly random person! Or if something between you and that person happens, who are you gonna tell? Not your friends, because you ditched them for people.
3. Do not cyber stalk that person.
you will learn things you don't need to know. You will find pictures of that person and their exes and then become paranoid because that person hasn't told you about their exes yet. But that's okay. Because you are not even in a real relationship, so you don't even neeeeeed to know about the exes part. Eventually, you might learn about them. But hey, you know what/? you're awesome and you don't have anything to worry about. Mkaaaaaay?
4. Do not change yourself to better fit that person.
You are a unique puzzle piece, and you are a beautiful masterpiece. But if you start coloring on your self with sharpie to make yourself squeeze into a puzzle opening that wasn't meant for you every time you meet a nice person, guess what? Your puzzle piece masterpiece beauty will actually just be a whole bunch of different colored sharpie marks that don't make any sense. And when the right person with their beautiful masterpiece puzzle piece, they may not be able to recognize that you two are supposed to fit with each other. Chances are, you might not even be able to recognize yourself.
aka. don't pretend you're into football because he's into football. You don't have to like football!
5. Do not hold unrealistic expectations of what could happen.
because, uhm, well... duh. Things that happen on TV are not real life. That will probably never happen to you. And guess what? If it does happen to you, you will be presently surprised. If it doesn't happen to you, you won't be disappointed. Don't set that person up for failure because your imagination ran away with you. He is probably not going to do anything you see on TV ever. There will be no speakers under your door.
6. Do not get complacent.
because that's boring. Do new stuff together, go to restaurants you've never been before, learn things about each other. It's called dating. Dating is supposed to be fun. Dating is supposed to help you figure out what kind of person you want to be with, and if the person you are dating fits within that range of awesomeness. Don't just do dinner and a movie. That's lame. Pack a picnik and go sit out in the middle of nowhere and look at the stars when it gets dark. Do fun things. Do fun things without modern technology. That's even better.
7. Do not be an obligation.
because, you've been with someone who really likes you, probably more than you like them, right? and you keep talking to them because they are so into you and you don't want to hurt their feelings. Don't be that person. Don't be either of those people. Keep things light until it's time to get serious. Don't stay because you feel like you have to, because then you're gonna be miserable and they'll be even more miserable after you finally grow up and tell them to back off. It's dating. It's not forever. It's not supposed to be something you have to do with that person. It should be something you want to do with that person. If you don't want to be there, then you're not only inconveniencing yourself, but you're also setting that person to fall harder. And if you're super clingy, and you don't think the other person likes you as much as you like them, back off. Give them space. Time to miss you. And if they don't miss you, then find someone who will :)
and that's that.
I should let you know, though, I've been working on this blog for three days, so I'll be posting another one pretty dang soon.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Shortest Blog Ever.
Things that are actually happening right now:
"I have to stop and remind myself that even osama bin laden was a cute little baby once. An innocent little kid! His mother should have smothered him in the cradle, but that's a different story. ... Hey! I'm not advocating smothering little babies. Just little Al Qaeda ones"
"you know, bobby boucher is actually an accurate representative of some of our fellow americans. 'Well, momma said' and that's good enough."
"nobody was like, 'oh, well black people would make good pets I guess.' No. Nobody I know has 800 pets."
"it would probably be a lot easier to do your job in the mountains without worrying about getting your scalp taken off."
(Jeremiah Johnson is apparently the best movie and I have to watch it)
This blog brought to you by Professor Houck.
"I have to stop and remind myself that even osama bin laden was a cute little baby once. An innocent little kid! His mother should have smothered him in the cradle, but that's a different story. ... Hey! I'm not advocating smothering little babies. Just little Al Qaeda ones"
"you know, bobby boucher is actually an accurate representative of some of our fellow americans. 'Well, momma said' and that's good enough."
"nobody was like, 'oh, well black people would make good pets I guess.' No. Nobody I know has 800 pets."
"it would probably be a lot easier to do your job in the mountains without worrying about getting your scalp taken off."
(Jeremiah Johnson is apparently the best movie and I have to watch it)
This blog brought to you by Professor Houck.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Double Whammy
I am so cold. I am so cold, because it is 30 degrees outside. I hate everything. It is definitely one of those days where you stay in bed all day and drink hot chocolate and read a really really good book.
of course, those days are gone, because I am a mom and moms don't get to stay in bed and drink hot chocolate and read books. Moms get to fight their kids for the hot chocolate then clean it up when the baby spills it on the floor. Moms get to teach their kids to sound out letters until the sounds make a word, and repeat, until you get the sentence "I see the turkey." Which is not a good book. It is a lame book. Moms get to try to cuddle with the freezing cold boy who kicks his blankets off in the middle of the night to try and warm him up, but he's too cool for moms anymore, and he doesn't want to lay with me.
That's what moms do.
But not this momma.
Not today.
Today, I ran around the house stealing my mom's sweaters to wear because its cold and apparently I believe I live in Hawaii where it's never cold. Or you would think that from my wardrobe. Note to self: buy sweaters. Then I make my children get into their clothes, which they don't want to wear what I've decided they're going to wear. I bribe them with the promise of toothbrushing. I wake my mother up because she sleeps like she's in a coma. Luckily, she loves me, and started my car for me so I could brush my daughter's mop out into something presentable. Then pile into the car, drop Kam and Rhyssie off at daycare, then drop Xia off at school, then go to work, start the coffee, wait for the coffee. Drink 5 cups of coffee. Start twitching from all the coffee. LUNCH! With Shelly :) (Back in the Day. ME: chicken pot pie. HER: chili. THEN: apple cobbler a la mode. Definitely a "come back" place.)
So, even though I wrote a blog twelve hours ago, I am here again. Because I love you. And moaners be moanin' about my neglectfulness of my blog. My sweet sweet blog.
So now you know about my life today.
Let me tell you about my life... later.
1. I have decided to drop my history class next semester. De Lao is apparently a nazi. I can't handle it. I'll wait for fall 2015 to take Houck again. Ya digg? Too bad, I do.
2. Kamden will not be starting school in 2015. My man can't talk. Well, he can, but only like, 3 people understand him. He's not ready. I'm not too worried about it, but I'm just going to wait a year to make sure the boy is ready. I don't want him to repeat like, 4th grade because I was ready to decrease my daycare bill.
3. CHRISTMAS! I have decided our christmas colors will be gold, pink and white. I have bought all the decorations for the three, and the new stockings. I'm on the lookout for cute stocking holders. OH! And like, monogrammed pins. (I need.... A, B, K, T, K, X, R) preferably in gold. to pin on our stockings. I'm so excited!!!
4. I'm trying to figure out what I'll be doing for Rhyssie's birthday. Birthday number 2. I can't really have a pool party... because it's in March. MARCH. agggggghsu. I'm thinking about having a coloring party.
Because my Rhyssie girl loves to color.
of course, those days are gone, because I am a mom and moms don't get to stay in bed and drink hot chocolate and read books. Moms get to fight their kids for the hot chocolate then clean it up when the baby spills it on the floor. Moms get to teach their kids to sound out letters until the sounds make a word, and repeat, until you get the sentence "I see the turkey." Which is not a good book. It is a lame book. Moms get to try to cuddle with the freezing cold boy who kicks his blankets off in the middle of the night to try and warm him up, but he's too cool for moms anymore, and he doesn't want to lay with me.
That's what moms do.
But not this momma.
Not today.
Today, I ran around the house stealing my mom's sweaters to wear because its cold and apparently I believe I live in Hawaii where it's never cold. Or you would think that from my wardrobe. Note to self: buy sweaters. Then I make my children get into their clothes, which they don't want to wear what I've decided they're going to wear. I bribe them with the promise of toothbrushing. I wake my mother up because she sleeps like she's in a coma. Luckily, she loves me, and started my car for me so I could brush my daughter's mop out into something presentable. Then pile into the car, drop Kam and Rhyssie off at daycare, then drop Xia off at school, then go to work, start the coffee, wait for the coffee. Drink 5 cups of coffee. Start twitching from all the coffee. LUNCH! With Shelly :) (Back in the Day. ME: chicken pot pie. HER: chili. THEN: apple cobbler a la mode. Definitely a "come back" place.)
coffee coffee coffee.
alls I'm saying is I made that mug. It says brit. Not just BRI. Because My name is so loooooooong.
it's my "work mug." that way no one else uses it. 'cause my name is on it.
So, even though I wrote a blog twelve hours ago, I am here again. Because I love you. And moaners be moanin' about my neglectfulness of my blog. My sweet sweet blog.
So now you know about my life today.
Let me tell you about my life... later.
1. I have decided to drop my history class next semester. De Lao is apparently a nazi. I can't handle it. I'll wait for fall 2015 to take Houck again. Ya digg? Too bad, I do.
2. Kamden will not be starting school in 2015. My man can't talk. Well, he can, but only like, 3 people understand him. He's not ready. I'm not too worried about it, but I'm just going to wait a year to make sure the boy is ready. I don't want him to repeat like, 4th grade because I was ready to decrease my daycare bill.
3. CHRISTMAS! I have decided our christmas colors will be gold, pink and white. I have bought all the decorations for the three, and the new stockings. I'm on the lookout for cute stocking holders. OH! And like, monogrammed pins. (I need.... A, B, K, T, K, X, R) preferably in gold. to pin on our stockings. I'm so excited!!!
4. I'm trying to figure out what I'll be doing for Rhyssie's birthday. Birthday number 2. I can't really have a pool party... because it's in March. MARCH. agggggghsu. I'm thinking about having a coloring party.
Because my Rhyssie girl loves to color.
they're inflatable ;)
bubbles... Because kids love bubbles just as much as their parents hate them
possible invite. 'cause, uhm, totes adorbs.
lots of crayons!
how freaking cute
table :)
let me just tell you how much I freaking love this cake.
I. Need. A. Big. Version. of. This.
I'm outies, yo.
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