1. Professional Book Reader as a job.
Every book that is being adapted into a movie or anything of the sort should be required to hire a professional book reader. This pro will read the book in question, and then sit in during the writing of the screen play and casting and slap every person that say "Well, what if we changed it to this..." Just slaps them. And goes back to reading.
Omitting stuff? Fine... mostly. Adding stuff? *Slap!*
This is my dream job. For realz tho.
2. Laundry Folders.
We have machines that wash our clothes. I take those wet, clean clothes and put them into another machine. I want there to be one more machine, where I take the clean, dry clothes and put them and when I come back, all of my clothes are folded. If we are able back the spider vacuum, then we should be able to fund this magic machine.
3. Bio band aids.
You get a cut on your hand. All you do is swab your skin with one end of a mechanic contraption, and then in a matter of minutes, a green light comes on and a nozzle pops up. Then you spray a new layer of biologically engineered skin that matches your DNA on to your cut, which binds in seconds. No scars or anything. I'm pretty sure they've come up with something like this for burn victims, but seriously, just make it happen.
4. Glow Formula.
I just want there to be a certain compound that is distributed in everyone's food, every where. This magic compound will cause people to glow green when they like other people. Obviously, this is probably not going to happen, but it would be incredibly useful. It would also prevent heartache and basically eliminate "players."
5. Motorized Chips.
I want there to be computer chips in all motorized vehicles that basically communicate with computer chips in Speed Limit signs, preventing the car to exceed the speed limit.
Okay, personally, I would hate this. But I can also see how it would be freaking awesome. And I also know that there are car people and computer people who could probably beat it,but give me some time and a crayon, and I will come up with some way to prevent that from happening.
6. NeverWet Hair Spray
Okay, if you haven't heard of Never Wet click on that link and prepare for your minds to be blown. I want the people to develop a formula with the ability to be used on organic organisms. I just want to never worry about my hair getting wet. OR my head getting sweaty and my hair falling flat and looking dirty because of it.
7. Warning Label Purge.
Okay, this one is controversial, but I feel like it's lovely. Just stop putting warning labels on all things non-medical. If people don't have the sense to leave their toaster out of the bathtub without a tag stating that it was a bad idea, then maybe those people need to look up Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection. Darwinism at it's finest. Then only smart people will reproduce and then the planet will be a better place.
(okay, that's just me being rude.)
Any other brilliant ideas, y'all?
I am on board, where is the kick starter? :) Rhonda D.