Not that I've ever been that bad. I've seen it. It ain't pretty. And I'm pretty, so I obviously stop myself from being that crazy. So, anyway, I was thinking about these things, and I was like "you know, I've never read up on proper "OMG I have a school girl crush" etiquette. And it could be because it just never popped up on my facebook feed, or I always thought I was pretty good at it.
but anyway, the theme of today's blog

This should be interesting. I do look forward to your input (I hear crickets chirping - no one ever gives me input)
Keep in mind that you already have your foot in the door. Like date number one is already completed. if you're just stalking someone or you need to find away to integrate yourself in their life, I don't know what to do for you. Say hi I guess.
So, here we go!
1. Do not text that person more than 3 times in a row without a response.
Because there's a reason you're not getting a response. They could be busy, they could be stressed, they could be hanging out with some person cuter than you. But it's okay. You are equally as awesome, so just chill out, wait. Wait a few hours before you send the next text. and a few more hours before the last. if they don't ever respond, try again three days later. I like threes and sevens.
2. Do not get jealous because that person spends their time elsewhere.
Because you don't owwwwwwwwn them. They have their own friends, and lives, and hobbies. And sometimes those things do not include you. I know, I know, you want to spend every spare minute on the phone with them, or texting them, or seeing them. I know. But you know that time you spend doing homework? Or showering? They may have wanted to spend that time with you. But time. apart. is. good.
PS. Do not ditch your friends to see that person, because your friends will love you no matter how stupid you are, and that person may or may not. Plus, it's rude. Oh, and if you do, and then you and that person should ever stop liking each other, then guess what? All your friends will be miffed because you ditched them for a seemingly random person! Or if something between you and that person happens, who are you gonna tell? Not your friends, because you ditched them for people.
3. Do not cyber stalk that person.
you will learn things you don't need to know. You will find pictures of that person and their exes and then become paranoid because that person hasn't told you about their exes yet. But that's okay. Because you are not even in a real relationship, so you don't even neeeeeed to know about the exes part. Eventually, you might learn about them. But hey, you know what/? you're awesome and you don't have anything to worry about. Mkaaaaaay?
4. Do not change yourself to better fit that person.
You are a unique puzzle piece, and you are a beautiful masterpiece. But if you start coloring on your self with sharpie to make yourself squeeze into a puzzle opening that wasn't meant for you every time you meet a nice person, guess what? Your puzzle piece masterpiece beauty will actually just be a whole bunch of different colored sharpie marks that don't make any sense. And when the right person with their beautiful masterpiece puzzle piece, they may not be able to recognize that you two are supposed to fit with each other. Chances are, you might not even be able to recognize yourself.
aka. don't pretend you're into football because he's into football. You don't have to like football!
5. Do not hold unrealistic expectations of what could happen.
because, uhm, well... duh. Things that happen on TV are not real life. That will probably never happen to you. And guess what? If it does happen to you, you will be presently surprised. If it doesn't happen to you, you won't be disappointed. Don't set that person up for failure because your imagination ran away with you. He is probably not going to do anything you see on TV ever. There will be no speakers under your door.
6. Do not get complacent.
because that's boring. Do new stuff together, go to restaurants you've never been before, learn things about each other. It's called dating. Dating is supposed to be fun. Dating is supposed to help you figure out what kind of person you want to be with, and if the person you are dating fits within that range of awesomeness. Don't just do dinner and a movie. That's lame. Pack a picnik and go sit out in the middle of nowhere and look at the stars when it gets dark. Do fun things. Do fun things without modern technology. That's even better.
7. Do not be an obligation.
because, you've been with someone who really likes you, probably more than you like them, right? and you keep talking to them because they are so into you and you don't want to hurt their feelings. Don't be that person. Don't be either of those people. Keep things light until it's time to get serious. Don't stay because you feel like you have to, because then you're gonna be miserable and they'll be even more miserable after you finally grow up and tell them to back off. It's dating. It's not forever. It's not supposed to be something you have to do with that person. It should be something you want to do with that person. If you don't want to be there, then you're not only inconveniencing yourself, but you're also setting that person to fall harder. And if you're super clingy, and you don't think the other person likes you as much as you like them, back off. Give them space. Time to miss you. And if they don't miss you, then find someone who will :)
and that's that.
I should let you know, though, I've been working on this blog for three days, so I'll be posting another one pretty dang soon.
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