Thursday, April 3, 2014

Worst Fursday Ever.

I know many of you don't know what Fursday is, but let me help you out: it has nothing to do with the cafeteria.
No. Fursday is the curse of waking up on Thursday and thinking it's Friday. And being super happy all day because you don't have to work tomorrow, and you start wrapping everything up and try to get everything neat and tidy for when you come in on Monday, and then reality whacks you with the cruel truth in the afternoon and you suddenly become very sad.
I have been stuck in Fursday all day.
Even worse, when I woke up this morning, I felt like complete crap. I was cramping and gassy and over all gross, complete with heartburn and a headache. So, I did what all working mother of three children would do...
I made my children find clothes and shoes for themselves and then they fetched mine for me. Then I rolled out of bed, went to pick up my sweet, happy Rhyssie girl, and was surprised and disgusted when I saw that she had pooped then gotten her diaper off.
So, her legs, butt, hands, everything, covered.
It. Was. So. Gross.
So, I  started some bath water, picked up my baby, held her an arms length away, carried her into the bathroom, and plopped her in the bathtub (she hates bath time. So much.) Xiaden came in next to me and cooed to her little sister until Rhys stopped screaming and started laughing and splashing, and then I washed her super fast, threw her in a hand towel, stuck her in a diaper, Xiaden picked out a dress for her baby sister and we ran out the door.
Well, Xia and Kam did.
I grabbed the toddler and walked out... then puked right outside my door.
My children were running rampant in the front yard, by a very busy street, I was puking and unable to talk, and... well, I didn't know what to do with Rhys. Do I put her down? Do I throw her? Do I throw her over my shoulder?
I settled for pulling her and my arm as far behind my back as I could, though she manuevered her little head around far enough to see what was going on.

I sat there for a second, and then stuck them all in the car, ran inside, gargled some water, and ran out the door with a mouthful of mouthwash. As I drove them to the daycare, I had an internal debate with myself.
Do I miss out on work and lose money? Do I drop the kids off and go home and sleep through the whole day?
I almost called Leslie.
Then I realized that Leslie had to take her son to a dental specialist in Abilene today, and Reed is on a plane to Florida.
That's when I came into work. I really, honestly and truly considered doing the bare minimum of work... then laying on the couch while answering the phone when it rang.
But there was a lot to do, and so I didn't get to lay on the couch. I worked until I didn't feel sick anymore.
Whatever works.
Smelly Shelly came to my office today, and since I felt like crap all morning, I didn't brush my hair and I stuck it in a twisty bun. She told me it was ugly, and she did my hair in a white girl bun.
(Aka, ponytail on the top of my head. Braid the pony tail. Wrap the braid around it's self. Secure.
Super easy. Moderately Cute.)

But I just ate (Smiling Moose Deli, first time ever. It was good) and I feel like vomitting again.
I may just go home early.

Wishes of good health and a sound mind, my little blog followers.

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