Assignment 1: I wrote 21 different sentences, showing various sentence structures and punctuation usage... about pie.
Assignment 2: I wrote a (example) email (to show that I still know how do that correctly) about how aliens invaded my Sign Language class and that I would be missing class to give the CIA my testimony.
Assignment 3: Write an Organized Thesis Statement about how my pet reflects my personality. I said that my tiger named Alistair represents my character perfectly because he is fierce, has a terrible fashion sense, and enjoys naps.
She keeps giving me As, so I think she likes me.
Plus she reviewed my History paper, so that's pretty cool.
I know my History prof likes me
He asked to walk me out of class this morning.
I was secretly freaking out. He's probably my favorite professor. I mean, I like sign language the best, but I like Houck the best. That makes sense. Don't you dare judge me.
so, we're walking down the halls, and he told me that I'm the only student he's had in 14 years of teaching to ask him to get back to to the lecture when he gets off topic.
I apologized.He said, "no, I love it. It means you want to learn this. And you sit in the front row every day, and even though I catch you yawning, you still participate in the lecture every class." (he said that jokingly, but I really do yawn a lot in his class)
Because I'm basically a learning Nazi....
My Sign prof is just getting funnier and funnier.
Last night, he was teaching us how to give simple orders "to tell people to do verbs"
he made the whole class dance.
and laughed about it.
that jerk!
Okay, we all laughed, but he was definitely was enjoying that power.
And there are some preeeeeeeeeeetty pathetic dancers in my class(es?)
I am going to go...
oh wait. absolutely nothing. I don't have to do a single thing right now.
except maybe laundry, and we all know how I feel about that.
Wanna know why I don't have anything to do?
and that's the first time in a month that's happened.
Granted, it'll only last for tonight, tomorrow I have a quiz opening for History, and then I'll have to build body paragraphs with onto my "Organized Thesis" about my imaginary large (illegal, domesticated) cat on Thursday. Friday another lab opens for sign language. and the cycle will continue.
but as for right now...
I am going to take full advantage of this, and celebrate with a bubble bath.
Tata, my not-so-avid readers ;)
I didn't know you had a blog! Awesome!!! Will read more!