Thursday, June 19, 2014

Love and Marriage.

Today, class. I'm going to stray into dangerous territory. Super controversial territory.

 I think everyone knows that I am in full support of gay rights. Let everyone get married, let everyone have work benefits, let everyone have babies. Everyone do all the things. But recently, I've noticed more and more facebook posts showing up in my feed that look like this.

And I do. I do support traditional marriage.
But I support traditional marriage because I also support love. And whether that love is between a man and a woman, or two men, or two women, or a trans and a woman, black, white, rich, poor, whatever.
I feel like people are so caught up in their Christian beliefs and morals that they forget what the Bible says.
Matthew 22:39 says love your neighbor as yourself. Guess what? That doesn't say "love whoever you think is good." or "love other Christians." Nah, bro. It says love your neighbor. Who could be anyone. It could be a murderer, a Jew or a Gay.
But that person is still a human. Still God's creation. Still someone to love. Someone who maybe you don't want to love, but you don't get to pick and choose people. You just love.

Let me pose another question.
Would you stone me? Like, stick me in the streets and throw rocks at me until I die?
Because I wasn't a virgin when I got married?
Or because I got divorced? I don't think so.
The Bible tells you to.
But it's kind of barbaric, right? Not okay.
Would you own slaves?
Slavery is rampant throughout the Bible in both the Old and New Testaments. It goes so far as to tell how to obtain slaves, how hard you can beat them, and when you can have sex with the female slaves.
Because that's totally cool. Right? Because the Bible said so!!!

What I am trying to say is the Bible was written 2000 years ago. I don't think everything completely applies. Like slavery.
Some things totally do, like don't get divorced. You made a lifetime commitment to that person, you stick it out and make things work. But sometimes, you get taken advantage of, or ignored, or cheated. And I'm not sure that God would want us to stay with someone who makes us feel like complete crap, since we are His creations. Yeah? 
But we only see "people like me" and "people unlike me."
We aren't supposed to judge. We aren't supposed to lie. We aren't supposed to watch porn. But we do.
We are all imperfect. All completely unworthy of His Love. Every single one of us.

And when you're straight, the people that are not become a "them."
Replace "they" or "them" with "human."
Do you see now?
People who live differently aren't aliens. They just live differently.
But we are all God's children. We are all beautifully made.
Even heterosexuals, homosexuals, transexuals, pansexuals and bisexuals. Even atheists and agnostics. Even black people. Even whores. Even you & me.
"They" are all equal to us. Every single person.
There is no "them" there is only "us." We are all God's children.
 We are all humans.
So, of course I'm not going to say humans can't get married. I'm not going to say humans can't have kids. I'm not going to say humans shouldn't get work benefits that a "traditional" spouse would.
I'm just going to say that God commanded us all to do one thing.


I know this isn't going to change anyone's mind.
I don't expect it to.
I just wanted to show you inside my mind.

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