Okay, I'm going to let my inner Taylor out for a minute and whine about my life.
Deep Breath.
So, the stupid cute boy that I don't want to like but kind of still do is hitting on one of my good friends even though she has a gazillion men (okay, at least 2, which is 2 more than me) trying to claim her lady nuts anyway, even though I've known him way longer and he only knows her through me and she keeps telling me she's only talking to him and I know that's true because she's been my friend for a billion years (okay, like since the 8th grade) but the they keep talking and talking and talking and he talks to her about life and such and clearly flirts with her, but when he talks to me it's usually about books and stupid stuff like video games that I suck at, and the only form of flirtation I receive is when he picks on me! And I know that it's stupid because I don't have any claim or right or anything at all on stupid jerkface and I don't even want to like him but I still do and so I feel like she should stop talking to him but that would be incredibly rude of me, and he's like "oh, haha, she told me I have to stop ______ because I _____ and she doesn't like it." And in my head I'm like, "you're a bastard and you should stop talking to my cute friends that aren't as fat as me and pay more attention to me" but what comes out of my mouth is usually something like "hahaha, yeah, that's funny" because we're all secretly twelve and stuck in some weird playground argument over a boy that I hate to like and I'm pouting because he likes her better.
Deep Breath.
Okay, now that that's over and I'm actually a semi-mature adult again, let's talk about something that makes me feel less adolescent.
Bachelorette Party!
Okay, so one of my favorite cousins is getting married in December and I am so pumped because I've been asked to be a bridesmaid, yay! So, after totally facebook stalking the other girls I didn't know (since she ever so sweetly provided us all with names, phone numbers AND email addresses) I quickly realized two things. 1. I am the chunkiest girl. 2. I am the youngest girl.
Well, there's not much I can do about being youngest, I don't have a Delorean or a TARDIS or anything to zap me into an older version of myself, but I AM working on the whole chunky thing. I started Plexus, which I think is gross and everyone else thinks tastes fine. I do lunges and squats and crunches in my living room, since I don't have a gym membership and I have three small children that I throw into bed at 7pm every night. And I eat healthier and smaller portions. Except for the last half of last week. Then, I didn't work out - I just ate breakfast burritos and watched Netflix because I was sick and hated everything.
Anyway, bachelorette weekend is in September, and someone higher has decided we shall all wear tutus (which I don't have the slightest problem with) and black pumps (which I have every problem with.) I don't wear heels. Brittany in heels is basically like a walking clumsy weapon that could go off at any time.
Let me give you a short list of reasons why heels + me = BAD.
1. I never wear anything higher than 2" wedges, and even then, I only wear them for 10 minutes, then go around barefoot.
2. I have serious knee problems. Like, I randomly fall and cry and have a huge swollen bruised right knee due to some weird floating patella that I discovered when I was 15 and snowboarding down a mountain (I was in a full leg brace complete with crutches for 6 weeks.)
3. I can barely walk in normal people shoes. I'm the one in our family that tends to trip over their own feet. Or, y'know, air.
4. I have the worst sense of balance evvvvver.
5. I am a huge wimp when it comes to my feet hurting. HUGE.
So, after panicking and freaking out about not only wearing heels all night, but wearing heels while drinking and dancing all night, I talked to another favorite cousin (not wanting to talk to engaged cousin, since I don't want to stress her out, even though she'll probably eventually read this blog and tease me about making such a big deal out of shoes) who is also in this wedding party, and have come to the best possible solution.
I'm going to buy some sexy black pumps, and put on that tutu and a black shirt and get dolled up and take pictures with all the other lucky girls my cousin loves enough to include in her weekend of freedom, and look awesome. Then I'm going to get in the car, and put some black shoes on that I can realistically walk in. Probably chucks. Because I personally think they would look adorable with the pink tutus. Unless I'm told that I should wear flatts. Then I'll wear regular people flatts. ;)
On to my next big topic.
my hair is growing, slowly and surely. I love it. I love length and I love how I look with long hair.
BUT. I am a single mom of three. I don't have time for hair. I barely have time to brush Xiaden's hair in the parking lot of daycare! My pinspired hair styles have dwindled down to nothing because I keep failing the tutorials and end up looking like some caveman and run a brush through the tangles and put it in a pony tail before I even think of documenting it for this blog. Bah humbug. I'm awful.
So, I am thinking of cutting it. Cutting a couple of inches of dead inches off the bottom, cutting layers into it, work on some framing of my round face (it's how people can tell I'm Irish, I'm told. Apparently Irish people have round faces) and maybe, just mayyyybe cutting some long swoopy bangs into this mop. Then get some high lights and low lights and look all around awesome. It could be fun. Feel free to send me pins on the Pinterest of cuts and styles you think would look good with my round Irish head and borderline Rapunzel hair.
Lalalauve you!
Brittany Lindsey
AGE: 12.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Love and Marriage.
Today, class. I'm going to stray into dangerous territory. Super controversial territory.
I think everyone knows that I am in full support of gay rights. Let everyone get married, let everyone have work benefits, let everyone have babies. Everyone do all the things. But recently, I've noticed more and more facebook posts showing up in my feed that look like this.
What I am trying to say is the Bible was written 2000 years ago. I don't think everything completely applies. Like slavery.
Some things totally do, like don't get divorced. You made a lifetime commitment to that person, you stick it out and make things work. But sometimes, you get taken advantage of, or ignored, or cheated. And I'm not sure that God would want us to stay with someone who makes us feel like complete crap, since we are His creations. Yeah?
We are all imperfect. All completely unworthy of His Love. Every single one of us.
I think everyone knows that I am in full support of gay rights. Let everyone get married, let everyone have work benefits, let everyone have babies. Everyone do all the things. But recently, I've noticed more and more facebook posts showing up in my feed that look like this.
And I do. I do support traditional marriage.
But I support traditional marriage because I also support love. And whether that love is between a man and a woman, or two men, or two women, or a trans and a woman, black, white, rich, poor, whatever.
I feel like people are so caught up in their Christian beliefs and morals that they forget what the Bible says.
Matthew 22:39 says love your neighbor as yourself. Guess what? That doesn't say "love whoever you think is good." or "love other Christians." Nah, bro. It says love your neighbor. Who could be anyone. It could be a murderer, a Jew or a Gay.
But that person is still a human. Still God's creation. Still someone to love. Someone who maybe you don't want to love, but you don't get to pick and choose people. You just love.
Let me pose another question.
Would you stone me? Like, stick me in the streets and throw rocks at me until I die?
Because I wasn't a virgin when I got married?
Or because I got divorced? I don't think so.
The Bible tells you to.
But it's kind of barbaric, right? Not okay.
Would you own slaves?
Matthew 22:39 says love your neighbor as yourself. Guess what? That doesn't say "love whoever you think is good." or "love other Christians." Nah, bro. It says love your neighbor. Who could be anyone. It could be a murderer, a Jew or a Gay.
But that person is still a human. Still God's creation. Still someone to love. Someone who maybe you don't want to love, but you don't get to pick and choose people. You just love.
Let me pose another question.
Would you stone me? Like, stick me in the streets and throw rocks at me until I die?
Because I wasn't a virgin when I got married?
Or because I got divorced? I don't think so.
The Bible tells you to.
But it's kind of barbaric, right? Not okay.
Would you own slaves?
Slavery is rampant throughout the Bible in both the Old and New Testaments. It goes so far as to tell how to obtain slaves, how hard you can beat them, and when you can have sex with the female slaves.
Because that's totally cool. Right? Because the Bible said so!!!
Because that's totally cool. Right? Because the Bible said so!!!
What I am trying to say is the Bible was written 2000 years ago. I don't think everything completely applies. Like slavery.
Some things totally do, like don't get divorced. You made a lifetime commitment to that person, you stick it out and make things work. But sometimes, you get taken advantage of, or ignored, or cheated. And I'm not sure that God would want us to stay with someone who makes us feel like complete crap, since we are His creations. Yeah?
But we only see "people like me" and "people unlike me."
We aren't supposed to judge. We aren't supposed to lie. We aren't supposed to watch porn. But we do.We are all imperfect. All completely unworthy of His Love. Every single one of us.
And when you're straight, the people that are not become a "them."
Replace "they" or "them" with "human."
Replace "they" or "them" with "human."
Do you see now?
People who live differently aren't aliens. They just live differently.
But we are all God's children. We are all beautifully made.
Even heterosexuals, homosexuals, transexuals, pansexuals and bisexuals. Even atheists and agnostics. Even black people. Even whores. Even you & me.
"They" are all equal to us. Every single person.
There is no "them" there is only "us." We are all God's children.
We are all humans.
Even heterosexuals, homosexuals, transexuals, pansexuals and bisexuals. Even atheists and agnostics. Even black people. Even whores. Even you & me.
"They" are all equal to us. Every single person.
There is no "them" there is only "us." We are all God's children.
We are all humans.
So, of course I'm not going to say humans can't get married. I'm not going to say humans can't have kids. I'm not going to say humans shouldn't get work benefits that a "traditional" spouse would.
I'm just going to say that God commanded us all to do one thing.
I'm just going to say that God commanded us all to do one thing.
I know this isn't going to change anyone's mind.
I don't expect it to.
I just wanted to show you inside my mind.
I know this isn't going to change anyone's mind.
I don't expect it to.
I just wanted to show you inside my mind.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
So, my best friend was supposed to have a baby today. Due to unforeseen circumstances, she is not having a baby today. She is more upset about this than I think she should be, but whatever. We all have our own kind of crazy.
Sheller and I took today off to basically entertain the crazy Steffie while she was in labor.
Since labor didn't happen, we found other ways to entertain ourselves. Including, but not limited to, using Sephora's samples to completely do my face, buying really awesome Batman sunglasses, and mani/pedis.
I say mani/pedis, but Steffie was the only one to get a pedicures, and Shelly and I were the only ones to get manicures. This is because I wanted to try something new. I have never, not once gotten my nails done. I mean, paint them, sure! Or buying the super cheap ones at walmart that were basically held on by double sided tape! (good times, I tell you.) But never professionally done. So I skipped out of the pedicures (my comfort zone, because massages and cute toes are always always lovely) and asked the way more experienced Shelly what I do. She says to me "powder and shellac, that's what I get."
So, I do. Then the little Asian woman asks me "jumblejumblejumble or even?"
I panicked. I just said even. I didn't want lopsided finger nails. That would look stupid. So even. of course. She cuts the three long finger nails that I've managed to not break, and with every snap I twinge a little. But I said even, she has to make them all the same length as my shortest nail. I get it.
Then she gets these super long fake nails out and I'm like "I didn't sign up for this. Nope. I'm done."
But I sit silently and she glues these freakishly long plastic things onto the tips of my nails and I'm like, wait... what? I mean, I'm no pro, but I'm pretty sure they're supposed to glue those on my whole nail. Apparently not. She cuts them down to normal people size (after I spent a couple of seconds pretending to be some wicked witch and maniacally doing the evil hands and making a weird face that I imagine to be evil) and asks suggestively if I want them square, so I took that suggestion and said yes. Then she puts this powder and wet blue stuff on my nail and it hardens and she does all this magic stuff, then paints them and viola, we're done.
Steffie and Shelly say they look like porn star nails. And my chevron design looks like an Easter Egg. Whatever. Losers.
I am starting to think that they are the worst thing ever.
With these cute nails, I have lost my ability to type more than 15 wpm (I'm sure that's an exaggeration, but it doesn't feel like it.) I also can't text, I can't scratch my head properly, I can't pick anything up and I am living in constant fear that I'm going to scoop someone's eye out.
I keep thinking that I'll leave them on for a week and see if I get used to them. But right now, I want to rip them off. But I can't. Magic powder combined with secret liquid make these things impossible to remove.
So, allow me to show you what I can do with these beauties.
take weird finger pictures. Cute, ah? You like that braid? And that faded makeup from Sephora's sample racks? Yeah. you love it.
I got tired of trying to pose my fingers in the correct way. I gave up. Look at my nails, guys.
I poked myself in the eye. No joke. I did. And it's not like they're long at all, really.
Can hardly see them over my finger tips. I just realized I'm blinking. So attractive. Too lazy to take another picture.
got sidetracked.... Lemme take a #Selfie.

Anyway, momma brought me Rosa's. So I'm gonna go nom that :)
Buh bye!
Sheller and I took today off to basically entertain the crazy Steffie while she was in labor.
Since labor didn't happen, we found other ways to entertain ourselves. Including, but not limited to, using Sephora's samples to completely do my face, buying really awesome Batman sunglasses, and mani/pedis.
I say mani/pedis, but Steffie was the only one to get a pedicures, and Shelly and I were the only ones to get manicures. This is because I wanted to try something new. I have never, not once gotten my nails done. I mean, paint them, sure! Or buying the super cheap ones at walmart that were basically held on by double sided tape! (good times, I tell you.) But never professionally done. So I skipped out of the pedicures (my comfort zone, because massages and cute toes are always always lovely) and asked the way more experienced Shelly what I do. She says to me "powder and shellac, that's what I get."
So, I do. Then the little Asian woman asks me "jumblejumblejumble or even?"
I panicked. I just said even. I didn't want lopsided finger nails. That would look stupid. So even. of course. She cuts the three long finger nails that I've managed to not break, and with every snap I twinge a little. But I said even, she has to make them all the same length as my shortest nail. I get it.
Then she gets these super long fake nails out and I'm like "I didn't sign up for this. Nope. I'm done."
But I sit silently and she glues these freakishly long plastic things onto the tips of my nails and I'm like, wait... what? I mean, I'm no pro, but I'm pretty sure they're supposed to glue those on my whole nail. Apparently not. She cuts them down to normal people size (after I spent a couple of seconds pretending to be some wicked witch and maniacally doing the evil hands and making a weird face that I imagine to be evil) and asks suggestively if I want them square, so I took that suggestion and said yes. Then she puts this powder and wet blue stuff on my nail and it hardens and she does all this magic stuff, then paints them and viola, we're done.
Steffie and Shelly say they look like porn star nails. And my chevron design looks like an Easter Egg. Whatever. Losers.
I am starting to think that they are the worst thing ever.
With these cute nails, I have lost my ability to type more than 15 wpm (I'm sure that's an exaggeration, but it doesn't feel like it.) I also can't text, I can't scratch my head properly, I can't pick anything up and I am living in constant fear that I'm going to scoop someone's eye out.
I keep thinking that I'll leave them on for a week and see if I get used to them. But right now, I want to rip them off. But I can't. Magic powder combined with secret liquid make these things impossible to remove.
So, allow me to show you what I can do with these beauties.

check out my awesome tiger shirt.
(right) check out my awesome facial expression while mimicking my awesome tiger shirt.Anyway, momma brought me Rosa's. So I'm gonna go nom that :)
Buh bye!
Friday, June 13, 2014
13 Things
okay. Today's Friday the 13th! And a full moon!!!!
Today is also the day I will tell you thirteen completely things I don't think I've told you before.
But I'm also not going to reread through the last four month's worth of posts to make sure, so if I have confessed these things to the world wide web before, I dare say suck it.
1. I watch My Little Pony just as much as Xiaden does. And it's not because she's watching it, it's because I love MLP. Twilight Sparkle is my favorite. I have a little Twlight hanging from my rear view mirror
2. I have the best cousins in the whole wide world. I also have a billion cousins. (okay, like 20+ first cousins, and a billion second cousins, but they all count) I know I'm not supposed to pick favorites, but I definitely have like, 5 favorites. I feel like that's rude of me, but it's just the truth. I love them all equally, but I just like some better than the others. I'm not going to list them out, but I'm pretty sure they could guess if they wanted to.
3. My brother ditched me for his hot neighbor tonight. It's her birthday. Yesterday I was like, hey, lets go get tattoos tomorrow night, and he was like, uh, no. and I looked at him suspiciously until he spilled his guts. Now I feel unloved. But I guess cute girls next door do beat sisters.
4. I finally finished the trilogy Cody gave me. I hate him. Remember how I told you I stare at the book because I don't want to read it because Brandon Sanderson will kill someone I love. Well. He went over and beyond. He killed all the people I loved & liked. ALL OF THEM. All the people died to save the world and I spent about an hour cussing at him last night. I think I may have threatened his life and said "just because your black heart and soullessness enjoys this kind of pain means I can take it. You keep saying 'here, read this' and I stupidly keep saying 'okay.' " and he laughed at me. If he showed up to my house, I probably would have punched him square in the chest.
5. I have discovered that I really just like men in V neck t shirts. I don't know why, but I think it's sexy. I have a thing for tall white guys with non-brown eyes. This is a problem, when I meet a tall white guy in a v neck with really pretty blue eyes. Then I'm like, "I need one of those" and Steffie starts planning on how to kidnap him. Not great.
6. I really miss my lip piercing. I had one for like a month, but my whole body is allergic to metal. So I got a plastic labret. Guess what? Those are made for tongues, and so they have balls on both sides, and actually come in like a 14 gauge. It hurts like hell when you shove a plastic gauge into a hole that's infected, swollen and two sizes to small, but I did it. I bit the back off the labret, then couldn't find another plastic one, and it fell out when I was sleeping. It was a very sad time in my life. But hey, I got the scar, and that's pretty awesome.
7. I really love hot tea. I love it so much. If it were easily made in the office, I'd probably drink it all the time. It's also said to speed up metabolism so bonus. If I get the chance to run to Starbucks, I'll order a grande Refresh tea (it's herbal and tastes like spearmint, yuuuuuum) and an iced venti Caramel Macciato. Also delicious.
8. I'm really glad I went to public school. I mean, I'm sure home schooled people love being home schooled and private schooled kids love being private schooled. But I meet homeschooled kids and they're just odd and private school kids always seem to be on something. That may sound bad, but it's just the truth as I see it.
9. I'm feeling like I need to get high & low lights soon, Maybe next weekends. I have been chemical free for nearly three years and I'm ready for new things. I may even kool aid dye a few of my high lights. Mwahahaha.
10. I bought white nail polish at Target and it's magnificent. I need to touch up, but they're awesome. I feel like my white hands look slightly darker, but it's probably just a trick of my noggin.
11. My mema's middle name is Faye. My mom's middle name is Faye. My middle name is Faye. Xiaden's middle name is Fayelise. I couldn't get a handle on Xiaden Faye. I wanted Xiaden Elise and my mom radiated disappointment, so I kind of just compromised.
12. My mom's dog (Ayla) and I have a mutual agreement that we will not love each other unless the house is empty/unconscious. I call her Ayla Faye when we mutually love each other, alone. Even though I'm pretty sure that's not her middle name. If I had to make a serious guess, I'd say it's Ayla Grace, but I like Faye better.
13. If I could take some of my boobs and move it to my butt, I'd be the happiest person ever. Like have a normal sized C or D cup and an average booty. But noooo. Genetics handed me DDD boobies and a flat hiney. Even now, I'm chunky and if I sit on someone, they tell me my butt bones are digging into their legs. This is my life.
Hope you enjoyed that little speal. I'm going to get a Friday the 13th tattoo tonight, and go to Rockin' Rodeo (aka, country bar) and I think I'm going to take the kids to watch How to Train Your Dragon 2 & the new XMen tomorrow night at the drive in, I'm SO EXCITED.
Have a great weekend, y'all!!!
Today is also the day I will tell you thirteen completely things I don't think I've told you before.
But I'm also not going to reread through the last four month's worth of posts to make sure, so if I have confessed these things to the world wide web before, I dare say suck it.
1. I watch My Little Pony just as much as Xiaden does. And it's not because she's watching it, it's because I love MLP. Twilight Sparkle is my favorite. I have a little Twlight hanging from my rear view mirror
2. I have the best cousins in the whole wide world. I also have a billion cousins. (okay, like 20+ first cousins, and a billion second cousins, but they all count) I know I'm not supposed to pick favorites, but I definitely have like, 5 favorites. I feel like that's rude of me, but it's just the truth. I love them all equally, but I just like some better than the others. I'm not going to list them out, but I'm pretty sure they could guess if they wanted to.
3. My brother ditched me for his hot neighbor tonight. It's her birthday. Yesterday I was like, hey, lets go get tattoos tomorrow night, and he was like, uh, no. and I looked at him suspiciously until he spilled his guts. Now I feel unloved. But I guess cute girls next door do beat sisters.
4. I finally finished the trilogy Cody gave me. I hate him. Remember how I told you I stare at the book because I don't want to read it because Brandon Sanderson will kill someone I love. Well. He went over and beyond. He killed all the people I loved & liked. ALL OF THEM. All the people died to save the world and I spent about an hour cussing at him last night. I think I may have threatened his life and said "just because your black heart and soullessness enjoys this kind of pain means I can take it. You keep saying 'here, read this' and I stupidly keep saying 'okay.' " and he laughed at me. If he showed up to my house, I probably would have punched him square in the chest.
5. I have discovered that I really just like men in V neck t shirts. I don't know why, but I think it's sexy. I have a thing for tall white guys with non-brown eyes. This is a problem, when I meet a tall white guy in a v neck with really pretty blue eyes. Then I'm like, "I need one of those" and Steffie starts planning on how to kidnap him. Not great.
6. I really miss my lip piercing. I had one for like a month, but my whole body is allergic to metal. So I got a plastic labret. Guess what? Those are made for tongues, and so they have balls on both sides, and actually come in like a 14 gauge. It hurts like hell when you shove a plastic gauge into a hole that's infected, swollen and two sizes to small, but I did it. I bit the back off the labret, then couldn't find another plastic one, and it fell out when I was sleeping. It was a very sad time in my life. But hey, I got the scar, and that's pretty awesome.
7. I really love hot tea. I love it so much. If it were easily made in the office, I'd probably drink it all the time. It's also said to speed up metabolism so bonus. If I get the chance to run to Starbucks, I'll order a grande Refresh tea (it's herbal and tastes like spearmint, yuuuuuum) and an iced venti Caramel Macciato. Also delicious.
8. I'm really glad I went to public school. I mean, I'm sure home schooled people love being home schooled and private schooled kids love being private schooled. But I meet homeschooled kids and they're just odd and private school kids always seem to be on something. That may sound bad, but it's just the truth as I see it.
9. I'm feeling like I need to get high & low lights soon, Maybe next weekends. I have been chemical free for nearly three years and I'm ready for new things. I may even kool aid dye a few of my high lights. Mwahahaha.
10. I bought white nail polish at Target and it's magnificent. I need to touch up, but they're awesome. I feel like my white hands look slightly darker, but it's probably just a trick of my noggin.
11. My mema's middle name is Faye. My mom's middle name is Faye. My middle name is Faye. Xiaden's middle name is Fayelise. I couldn't get a handle on Xiaden Faye. I wanted Xiaden Elise and my mom radiated disappointment, so I kind of just compromised.
12. My mom's dog (Ayla) and I have a mutual agreement that we will not love each other unless the house is empty/unconscious. I call her Ayla Faye when we mutually love each other, alone. Even though I'm pretty sure that's not her middle name. If I had to make a serious guess, I'd say it's Ayla Grace, but I like Faye better.
13. If I could take some of my boobs and move it to my butt, I'd be the happiest person ever. Like have a normal sized C or D cup and an average booty. But noooo. Genetics handed me DDD boobies and a flat hiney. Even now, I'm chunky and if I sit on someone, they tell me my butt bones are digging into their legs. This is my life.
Hope you enjoyed that little speal. I'm going to get a Friday the 13th tattoo tonight, and go to Rockin' Rodeo (aka, country bar) and I think I'm going to take the kids to watch How to Train Your Dragon 2 & the new XMen tomorrow night at the drive in, I'm SO EXCITED.
Have a great weekend, y'all!!!
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Pure and unadulterated exhaustion.
It is 8pm. I want to do nothing other than crawl into bed. But I did that last night (well, not exactly. I curled up in a very large chair and fell asleep) and I accidentally woke up and didn't go to sleep until nearly 2 in the morning. So I'm attempting to not do that again by writing a seriously lame blog post.
So, yesterday, I posted about loving instrumental, and I shared a link to a Piano Guys video on YouTube. Well, I was watching whilst pondering the subject of today's entry and at the end popped up a lovely little link thing to a video entitled Peponi.
Okay, there are words, but its SWAHILI. Okay?
don't knock it until you listen to it.
You know?
Let me help you out.
I must say I'm also pretty impressed with the location of the video. Like, a piano is just magically there.
If you liked that, here's another one for you. I am blown away by this little girl's voice. I'm just sayin, kid is going places.
Anyway, on to other news, Steffie told me she will get me a gray cat and I got irrationally excited. Like, I started planning on how to get him to pee in the toilet instead of a litter box and how to keep him away from Ayla, (my mom's husky malamute wolf mix hybrid thing) because Ayla will surely eat him.
I will maintain that I don't even like cats and dogs are the best.
Oh well.
If you were wondering, I was completely serious about naming Rhyssie "Atticus Kylor Lindsey" or "Alistair Rhys Lindsey" if she were a boy. But she isn't. And I've decided I'm officially finished having children, so Atticus and Alistair will be turned into pet names. I've also decided that we will not have hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs or rodents of any kind. However, I do want a hedge hog. But that little friend will have to wait until the children are much much older.
Which is sad, considering my Xiaden is starting kindergarten in two months.
Yes, friends, let that sink in.
She is starting KINDERGARTEN.
Like, with uniforms and backpacks and everything.
Anyway, I bought Monument Men yesterday and passed out before I could watch it, so... I'm going to do that right now.
Later, lovelies!!
So, yesterday, I posted about loving instrumental, and I shared a link to a Piano Guys video on YouTube. Well, I was watching whilst pondering the subject of today's entry and at the end popped up a lovely little link thing to a video entitled Peponi.
Okay, there are words, but its SWAHILI. Okay?
don't knock it until you listen to it.
You know?
Let me help you out.
I must say I'm also pretty impressed with the location of the video. Like, a piano is just magically there.
If you liked that, here's another one for you. I am blown away by this little girl's voice. I'm just sayin, kid is going places.
In fact, just check out Alex Boye in general. I have no idea why I love him so much, considering I've only heard him a couple of times in the last 6 months, but I JUST DO
Anyway, on to other news, Steffie told me she will get me a gray cat and I got irrationally excited. Like, I started planning on how to get him to pee in the toilet instead of a litter box and how to keep him away from Ayla, (my mom's husky malamute wolf mix hybrid thing) because Ayla will surely eat him.
I will maintain that I don't even like cats and dogs are the best.
Oh well.
If you were wondering, I was completely serious about naming Rhyssie "Atticus Kylor Lindsey" or "Alistair Rhys Lindsey" if she were a boy. But she isn't. And I've decided I'm officially finished having children, so Atticus and Alistair will be turned into pet names. I've also decided that we will not have hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs or rodents of any kind. However, I do want a hedge hog. But that little friend will have to wait until the children are much much older.
Which is sad, considering my Xiaden is starting kindergarten in two months.
Yes, friends, let that sink in.
She is starting KINDERGARTEN.
Like, with uniforms and backpacks and everything.
Anyway, I bought Monument Men yesterday and passed out before I could watch it, so... I'm going to do that right now.
Later, lovelies!!
Monday, June 9, 2014
So I've been really into Lindsey Stirling lately. I do this. I go through phases where I just latch onto one artist or style and listen to them until I hate them. I don't know why I do this, but I do. Let's not question it.
I think I am into her because I constantly am listening to words and they always mean something. They always always always do. They say "I'm happy" or "I'm heartbroken" or "I'm in love."
And I'm tired of hearing these things. I want to feel them. And instrumental lets the listener interpret how they want, one song may sound like giving up to one person, and hope to another. I've been doing a lot of weddings lately. I say a lot, but it's really way less than my coworkers do. But it's more than usual for me as a Brittany, so I will continue to say a lot, because it's my party and I'll cry if I want to.
Anywho, I am always happy for these sweet sweet girls and their grooms, and all of the happy attendees. I'm always super pumped and friendly, and excited for them. I love every minute I am at their wedding. But by the time I get home, I am exhausted. I don't want to love anyone, I don't want to smile, I don't want to do anything except watch Supernatural or Merlin or play SCV. or maybe sleep. I don't know, it's like I save all of the lovey gooey stuff and let it explode at these weddings, and then I run out at the end of the night and hate everything.
Well, not hate. It's more like I just don't care. I don't feel the need to fake smile at every sentence or overly dramatize my facial expressions at every thing happening. I don't know. I feel like I put on a show in every sense of the word. I guess it's part of what makes me good.
But let's face it. I'm a single mom of three children who has started wanting cats. CATS.
I don't even like cats! I am a dog person through through. But I want a cat and I want to name him Alistair and he will be all gray and hate everyone but me.
If it makes me sound less crazy, I also want a dog to name Atticus.
But we all know it doesn't make me sound any less crazy.
Anyway, I was going somewhere with the cat thing. I am single. And I'm not really looking to change that, but it doesn't mean I exactly enjoy spending my Saturday nights with newlyweds. I am still a girl. I still want love and cuddling and gooshy stuff to make other people gag.
So, I am listening to a lot of instrumental music that lets me be me without feeling other peoples stuff.. I love everything. Lindsey Stirling, Break of Reality, Piano Guys, Jennifer Thomas, all the quartets (Vitamin String Quartet especially.)
So, you, dear reader, please listen to these things. All the things. Because they're all sexy.
That's all.
<3 B
I think I am into her because I constantly am listening to words and they always mean something. They always always always do. They say "I'm happy" or "I'm heartbroken" or "I'm in love."
And I'm tired of hearing these things. I want to feel them. And instrumental lets the listener interpret how they want, one song may sound like giving up to one person, and hope to another. I've been doing a lot of weddings lately. I say a lot, but it's really way less than my coworkers do. But it's more than usual for me as a Brittany, so I will continue to say a lot, because it's my party and I'll cry if I want to.
Anywho, I am always happy for these sweet sweet girls and their grooms, and all of the happy attendees. I'm always super pumped and friendly, and excited for them. I love every minute I am at their wedding. But by the time I get home, I am exhausted. I don't want to love anyone, I don't want to smile, I don't want to do anything except watch Supernatural or Merlin or play SCV. or maybe sleep. I don't know, it's like I save all of the lovey gooey stuff and let it explode at these weddings, and then I run out at the end of the night and hate everything.
Well, not hate. It's more like I just don't care. I don't feel the need to fake smile at every sentence or overly dramatize my facial expressions at every thing happening. I don't know. I feel like I put on a show in every sense of the word. I guess it's part of what makes me good.
But let's face it. I'm a single mom of three children who has started wanting cats. CATS.
I don't even like cats! I am a dog person through through. But I want a cat and I want to name him Alistair and he will be all gray and hate everyone but me.
future cat.
If it makes me sound less crazy, I also want a dog to name Atticus.
But we all know it doesn't make me sound any less crazy.
future dog. He will not eat my future cat.
Anyway, I was going somewhere with the cat thing. I am single. And I'm not really looking to change that, but it doesn't mean I exactly enjoy spending my Saturday nights with newlyweds. I am still a girl. I still want love and cuddling and gooshy stuff to make other people gag.
So, I am listening to a lot of instrumental music that lets me be me without feeling other peoples stuff.. I love everything. Lindsey Stirling, Break of Reality, Piano Guys, Jennifer Thomas, all the quartets (Vitamin String Quartet especially.)
So, you, dear reader, please listen to these things. All the things. Because they're all sexy.
That's all.
<3 B
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Horrible, Terrible, No Good Blogger.
I keep promising you things and then not delivering. I promised a week ago to discuss my mom's lack of Syfy knowledge, theh new books I'm reading, my spontaneous new purchase that I'm really pumped about, and the latest updates of my custody agreement.
So. Here we go.
First things first.My mom. Sweet woman, she is. She tries to watch the TV shows I do, she really does. I don't think she's ever made it through an episode of Merlin, Doctor Who, or Sherlock, ever. Despite my begging, and pleading and insisting. Oh well.Steffie sent me this pin.
That's all for now. I'm going to finish this book. I have the Beautiful Creatures waiting for me to read them, courtesy of Cheyenne, Under The Dome by Stephen King via Auntie Ran & Paper Towns by John Green from Steffie, since I like to mutilate my emotions.
Because, well, The Fault in our Stars comes out tomorrow. And I plan on watching it definitely soon. The book made me bawl like a baby, so if you're looking to hate an author for being so good, be sure to find John Green.
Alright, lovers.
This is what happened. I lost it at Washawhatever. I giggled at the fact that she always guessed "Doctor Who" for the ones she didn't know, and it's probably because she can't stand it.
Half the time. I start jabbering excitedly about DW and she's listening intently and trying to be a good person and then she asks me "and what are we talking about." to which I reply "Doctor Who" at which time she tunes out. My entire family does it. My aunt has gotten in the habit of laughing then walking away.
Loving family, they are ;)
i a'm slowly working my way through The Hero of Ages, which I have literally just found out is NOT the last in the Mistborn trilogy, because apparently the Mistborn "Trilogy" has more than three books.
I found this out a few seconds ago when I googled the Hero of Ages to give you the link. AND SURPRISE. I furiously texted Codykins because he lied. THAT LIAR!
Anyway, it's a really good book. So good. I put it down to shower or sleep or whatever I may need to do and then I stare at it for a while because I am quite certain someone is going to die and I want no part in that.
I bought a playstation last week. I did this for a multitude of reasons. One, because Shayne took it, and our TV about a year ago when I asked him to watch the kids. Because he's super mature and awesome about stuff like this. Two, because we lost the back of the bluray remote and the batteries are constantly falling out. Three, because I have multiple ps3 games chilling in my movie case that haunt me. Four, because I deserve it! I constantly buy the kids clothes and shoes and diapers and toys and movies and all the things they want that I can give them, but I've been jonesing for a ps3 since the ex took off with the last one and I just finally did it.
And now I can play Soul Caliber 5 with my brothers/friends and kick all their butts at it because I'm awesome.
I got a letter in the mail, yay. I have a court date to get all of this settled and over with, and hopefully start receiving child support. Shayne did a good thing, though, and got the kids insurance without a court order to tell him to (well, it will, when it's ordered. I suppose it was a preemptive move.) So I am skipping work all day on June 17th and going to court, then to the hospital where I will hopefully meet sweet & LOH or entertain his mom until she evicts him. Of course, this is largely dependent on if Steffie can make herself go into labor.
And she is definitely trying. No denying that!
my boss's wife's birthday was today, and Leslie and I threw a party for her. Her birds have left the nest for far away cities and she gets lonely, so we told Reed to buy a present and lure her into the office, where our perfect cake, decorations and coordinating presents were waiting for her. I think it lifted her spirits. I hope it did, anyway. I love her. She's way sweeter than her husband. And more intimidating ;)
So. Here we go.
First things first.My mom. Sweet woman, she is. She tries to watch the TV shows I do, she really does. I don't think she's ever made it through an episode of Merlin, Doctor Who, or Sherlock, ever. Despite my begging, and pleading and insisting. Oh well.Steffie sent me this pin.
That's all for now. I'm going to finish this book. I have the Beautiful Creatures waiting for me to read them, courtesy of Cheyenne, Under The Dome by Stephen King via Auntie Ran & Paper Towns by John Green from Steffie, since I like to mutilate my emotions.
Because, well, The Fault in our Stars comes out tomorrow. And I plan on watching it definitely soon. The book made me bawl like a baby, so if you're looking to hate an author for being so good, be sure to find John Green.
Alright, lovers.
and she then asked (and by asked, I mean demanded) that my mother do the same. So I did.
This is what happened. I lost it at Washawhatever. I giggled at the fact that she always guessed "Doctor Who" for the ones she didn't know, and it's probably because she can't stand it.
Half the time. I start jabbering excitedly about DW and she's listening intently and trying to be a good person and then she asks me "and what are we talking about." to which I reply "Doctor Who" at which time she tunes out. My entire family does it. My aunt has gotten in the habit of laughing then walking away.
Loving family, they are ;)
i a'm slowly working my way through The Hero of Ages, which I have literally just found out is NOT the last in the Mistborn trilogy, because apparently the Mistborn "Trilogy" has more than three books.
I found this out a few seconds ago when I googled the Hero of Ages to give you the link. AND SURPRISE. I furiously texted Codykins because he lied. THAT LIAR!
Anyway, it's a really good book. So good. I put it down to shower or sleep or whatever I may need to do and then I stare at it for a while because I am quite certain someone is going to die and I want no part in that.
I bought a playstation last week. I did this for a multitude of reasons. One, because Shayne took it, and our TV about a year ago when I asked him to watch the kids. Because he's super mature and awesome about stuff like this. Two, because we lost the back of the bluray remote and the batteries are constantly falling out. Three, because I have multiple ps3 games chilling in my movie case that haunt me. Four, because I deserve it! I constantly buy the kids clothes and shoes and diapers and toys and movies and all the things they want that I can give them, but I've been jonesing for a ps3 since the ex took off with the last one and I just finally did it.
And now I can play Soul Caliber 5 with my brothers/friends and kick all their butts at it because I'm awesome.
I got a letter in the mail, yay. I have a court date to get all of this settled and over with, and hopefully start receiving child support. Shayne did a good thing, though, and got the kids insurance without a court order to tell him to (well, it will, when it's ordered. I suppose it was a preemptive move.) So I am skipping work all day on June 17th and going to court, then to the hospital where I will hopefully meet sweet & LOH or entertain his mom until she evicts him. Of course, this is largely dependent on if Steffie can make herself go into labor.
And she is definitely trying. No denying that!
my boss's wife's birthday was today, and Leslie and I threw a party for her. Her birds have left the nest for far away cities and she gets lonely, so we told Reed to buy a present and lure her into the office, where our perfect cake, decorations and coordinating presents were waiting for her. I think it lifted her spirits. I hope it did, anyway. I love her. She's way sweeter than her husband. And more intimidating ;)
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